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In October 2009, Charles Krauthammer critiqued President Obama's foreign policy in a Weekly Standard article Decline is a choice: Indeed, as he made his hajj from Strasbourg to Prague to Ankara to Istanbul to Cairo and finally to the U.N. General Assembly, Obama drew the picture...

Some of our readers are disputing that Michele Bachmann "retired" from running for office, but however you describe it, she's not running for the congressional seat she has been in for several terms. And it looks like her main competitor -- whose election was made more not...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

There has been a no-holds barred assault on conservatives and the Tea Party movement by the Obama administration since day one. Peaceful political protesters were called terrorists, political donors were bullied, tax records were leaked, secondary boycotts by supporters of the administration sought to deprive conservatives...

From Amy: I spied this car's stickers driving down Smoky Hill Rd. in "purple" Aurora, CO. ...

It's always interesting to watch the contortionists at MSNBC when it comes to defending the actions of the Obama administration. Mediaite has posted video of a segment from Martin Bashir's program, in which a panel discusses the language used in the FBI affidavit pertaining to FOX...

Investigators from both the House Ways and Means and House Oversight committees will be interviewing two front-line IRS workers from the Cincinnati office in Washington DC this week, and another two next week, according to congressional sources who spoke to CNN today. House investigators are interviewing...

In an interview today, President Bashar Assad of Syria claims that Russia has delivered some of the S-300 missiles he bought.The Lebanse paper, Al Akhbar, quoted from an exclusive interview Assad gave to Hezbollah's Al Manar television channel. "Syria has received the first batch of Russian...

The Al Qaeda magazine, Inspire, is celebrating the Boston Marathon bombings and mocking US security in its current issue, while insinuating unavoidable future attacks on Americans. From the NY Post: Inspire, known as the Vanity Fair of terrorism, also tried to parlay recent ricin-laced letters sent Congress...

It seems some major news outlets are not all that thrilled about Attorney General Eric Holder’s invitation to meet with their Washington bureau chiefs this week. At issue is the fact that Holder’s meetings - at least the first one - to discuss guidelines for journalists...

By most accounts, Hezbollah's large-scale intervention combined with unending supplies of weapons and advisors from Iran and Russia have helped Assad turn the tide against the rebels. Until that intervention, and even in the initial weeks, it looked like the rebels would hold on in Qusayr after inflicting...

The other day, when I was researching my post about Thomas Friedman and Obamacare, I contacted an old blogging buddy of mine - I was on the Watcher's Council with him a few years ago - Scott Kirwin (aka The Razor). Scott views Obamacare through the...

I couldn't care less about RI Governor Linc Chafee changing from "Independent" to "Democrat." The Democrats in Rhode Island are the most upset about it, because they know him.  They can have him. You know who else doesn't care? Aggie95 incthe Tip Line (you remember what that is, don't...

Obama's EPA Chief Lisa Jackson, Apple's newly announced head of environmental policy, is exemplifying "sustainable career moves" after completely recycling her career from private sector to government appointment and back. Jackson, appointed by the President in 2009, had worked for two years in the private sector...

The Associated Press reports that Harvey Whittemore skirted campaign finance laws in order to make contributions in others' names to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The federal jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts on charges of making excessive campaign contributions, making contributions in the name of another...

This obviously is someone having some fun at's expense, but it's still pretty good because it's plausible. As of this writing they have 93 of the 100 signatures they are seaking (h/t @KredoO): The text of the petition reads: Petition Statement Dear Hunger Strikers, We understand that indefinite detention is not...