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Author: Leslie Eastman

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Leslie Eastman

I am an Environmental Health and Safety Professional, as well as a science/technical writer for a variety of news and professional publications. I have been a citizen activist since 2009, and am one of the co-founders of the San Diego-based group, Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition.

As is traditional with the season, the end of the year is a chance to look back and reflect on the events that occurred over the past 365 days. And what a year it has been! Here are some stories, beyond the election and the fiscal...

As the Media Director of the SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition, San Diego’s original Tea Party group, I will be the first to admit that citizen activists are doing a lot of soul searching during this holiday season. After the electoral beating that conservatives took in November...

California is truly #1…when it comes to being the worst run state in the country. In part, this stellar achievement has been the end result the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations. This agency’s tactics portend the approach the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is apt...

That was fast! Shortly after the ink was dry on the state's new "Right to Work" law, Michigan Governor  Rick Snyder reports that state economic development officials are hearing from manufacturers interested in moving to area. Snyder said it's "premature" to name the companies, but indicated Michigan's...

Progressive gun control advocates were clamoring for more liberty-crushing legislation immediately after the slaughter of the young students and teachers at Connecticut's Sandy Hook Elementary School. Meanwhile, others cry "white privilege" because most mass shooting suspects are white. Yet, one critically important aspect continues to get lost...

I personally will never forget the horrendous 2009 Christmas Eve Senate vote for Obamacare. Around the same time, the "stimulus" legislation that eventually became the American Recovery and Investment Act was being bandied about the halls of Congress with tons of hyper-partisan theater. Now, it seems the...

I am responding to Professor Jacobson's recent post, The Tea Party tsunami at the gates. As the Media Director of SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC), San Diego's original Tea Party group, I wanted to share my analysis that it won't be a tsunami -- it will...

Californians have an addiction to bonds -- and not the cool #007 kind, either. For every taxpayer-protecting Proposition 13 ballot measure Californians approve, they then give thumbs-up to several bond measures for questionable projects.  As a classic example for my fellow Americans wondering how California found...

As a co-founder of one of the largest California Tea Party groups (SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition), I often am asked why I choose to remain a registered Democrat. In part, it is because the state Republican party doesn't inspire much confidence. Or, as I like to...

Question: When is a college's "diversity program" full of fail? Answer: When a group of liberal students in Massachusetts boycotts it. According to an article by Megan Patoskie, a student at Bard College - Simon's Rock, in The Llama Ledger: Students boycotted the 7th annual Diversity Day on Wednesday,...

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead. I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide series...