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Author: Kemberlee Kaye

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Kemberlee Kaye

Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection, where she has worked since 2014 and is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She also serves as the Managing Editor for, a research project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

She has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and US Senate re-election campaigns, among others. 

Kemberlee, her daughter, and her son live a lovely taco-filled life in their native Texas.

You can reach her anytime via email at kk @

Wednesday, the New York Times reported that Rep. Adam Schiff, the House Intel Committee Chairman who beclowned himself repeatedly in the Trump/Russia conspiracy mongering, had knowledge of the whistle-blower's concerns about Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian president before an official complaint was filed.

A photo revealed on Monday's Tucker Carlson tonight seems to contradict what former Vice President Biden told reporters last month -- that he'd never discussed his son Hunter's foreign business deals with him. The photo taken in 2014 shows "former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter golfing in the Hamptons with Devon Archer, who served on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings with Hunter," reports Fox News.

Sen. Ted Cruz joined MSNBC's Chris Hayes at the Texas Tribune Festival on a stage sponsored by NBC. Hayes is as true a progressive as they come. That said, I've never found him off-putting for the sheer reason that he is always willing to engage in mostly civil debate, a rarity these days.

The Ukraine scandal food fight is about to get a whole lot more interesting. Tuesday, Trump announced via Twitter that he would release the "complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine." In this particular conversation, Trump has been accused of pressuring Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Biden, whose son's company received favorable business dealings with Ukrainians while Biden was in office.

I'm so old I remember when "knife control" was a joke and not a thing that was under serious consideration. Church of England leaders in the Diocese of Rochester have joined forces with "leading crime experts, as well as MPs, and community leaders," in a letter asking the government to consider banning pointed kitchen knives.