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Author: Mike LaChance

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Mike LaChance

Mike LaChance has been covering higher education and politics for Legal Insurrection since 2012. He has also written for American Lookout, Townhall, and Twitchy.

Since 2008 he has contributed work to the Daily Caller, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Center for Security Policy, the Washington Free Beacon, and Ricochet.

Mike is a Generation X, New England lifer who describes his political views as conservative and libertarian.

You can find him on Twitter @MikeLaChance33

Have you gotten a sense that idiots have taken over higher education? UCLA Considers Diversity Requirement for Undergrads Student Alleges Prof Warned Ted Cruz-Teabaggers to Leave Class or go Home in Body Bag Professor Tries to Ban God at Graduation, Fails College in NM Spends $5 Million on Solar...

If you've ever read my blog, you may know that I'm a big fan of Bill Whittle and his series of Afterburner videos from PJ Media. In his newest video, titled Time to Go, Bill looks at Mitch McConnell and John Boehner with an eye to...

Obama adviser David Plouffe appeared on ABC's This Week today and in a classic case of liberal projection, he tried to blame the GOP for politicizing the attack in Benghazi. Conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham was also on the panel and took Plouffe to task. Transcript via ABC News...
David Plouffe, you're actually on that email that caused so much trouble this week. It was an email to you and several others from Ben Rhodes. And everybody keying on this line in the -- in the -- in the email, to underscore -- this is the goals of the Sunday morning appearance -- "to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, not a broader failure of policy." A lot of Republicans saying this is the smoking gun. I know you dismiss that, but was it a mistake not to release this email earlier? DAVID PLOUFFE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: No, I think, you know, lawyers have spoken to this and it's out now. I think, listen, what Benghazi was was a tragedy. What we need to do is figure out how to prevent it from happening again and to try and hold those accountable, as we did bin Laden. Took a while, but after 11 years, we did. I think what you see wasn't the U.S.S. Cole bombing, 17 of our sailors died. The weeks before the 2000 election. What did then-Governor Bush say? It's time for our nation to speak as one voice. Now you couldn't handle that in this party. This has been politicized like we've never seen before.

The senate race between Democratic incumbent Jeanne Shaheen and Republican challenger Scott Brown is going to be a pricey one. Some are even speculating that it could set records. Chris Cassidy of the Boston Herald reports...
Scott Brown-Jeanne Shaheen N.H. race costs may set record The heavyweight U.S. Senate showdown between Jeanne Shaheen and Scott Brown — already off to a fast and snippy start with both sides accusing each other of breaking federal elections laws — could shatter records for campaign spending and even top the amount racked up by GOP presidential primary hopefuls in the Granite State two years ago. “It wouldn’t shock me if it topped $50 million,” said Dante Scala, a campaign finance expert at the University of New Hampshire. “I suspect the spending on the Senate race will dwarf the New Hampshire Republican primary spending in the 2012 presidential primary. ... In all likelihood this would set a record.” Spending during Shaheen’s last U.S. Senate race against John Sununu in 2008 hit about $37 million, Scala said. Even by his most conservative estimate, Scala expects to see $45 million in spending — $20 million combined by both campaigns and $25 million by super PACs and other outside groups. All this in a state with just 1.3 million people and less than 800,000 registered voters.
The stakes are high and both sides know it. In addition to hitting her support for Obamacare, Brown is taking Shaheen to task for the Keystone pipeline. Brown published the following letter in the New Hampshire Union Leader...
Will Jeanne Shaheen join me in supporting the Keystone pipeline?

Republican Monica Wehby slightly ahead in recent poll for U.S. Senate...

Sometimes learning new things is uncomfortable. Jonah Goldberg Discovers a Clever Student Group at Williams College Sometimes certain words make people uncomfortable. Student Groups at Duke Appoint Themselves Word Police College ‘Trigger Warnings’ Get Noticed by the MSM Some people are made uncomfortable by religion. Man Says College Rejected Him Over...

Democrats in politics and media are still beating a constant drum about the GOP's supposed war on women. I wonder if any of the Democrats making the rounds on the Sunday news shows this week will be asked to comment on Gurbaksh Chahal, the California high-tech mogul who likes to give Democrats large amounts of money when he isn't busy beating up his girlfriend. The Washington Free Beacon reported...
Major Obama Donor Avoids Jail Time After Brutally Beating Girlfriend A high-dollar Obama donor who was caught on video brutally beating his girlfriend got off with 25 hours of community service last week after he pled guilty to domestic battery charges. CCTV footage caught Gurbaksh Chahal, the CEO of San Francisco tech startup RadiumOne, kicking his girlfriend 117 times, including blows to the head, and trying to smother her with a pillow during a vicious 30-minute assault. He faced 45 felony charges until the footage was deemed inadmissible. As a result, Chahal has managed to avoid jail time, the Daily Mail reported on Thursday. According to police reports, Chahal also threated to kill his girlfriend several times...

The Obama administration's relationship with the media is hardly and adversarial one. In fact, at times it has seemed more like a partnership and there's a logical explanation for that. A surprisingly high number of people have moved back and forth from the media to the...

If there's one person in America who wants people to stop talking about Obamacare, it's Obama. In recent appearances, the president has gone out of his way to declare that the debate is over and the law is here to stay. Obama is obviously trying to cement that notion in the minds of Americans so they'll be less receptive to changes should the Republicans win the senate in 2014. What Obama doesn't seem to know or be willing to acknowledge is that the debate is continuing in spite of his wishes. George E. Condon Jr. recently wrote in National Journal...
The Debate Over Obamacare Is Hardly Over President Obama opened his press conference Thursday with a bold proclamation that "the repeal debate is and should be over." But his declaration of victory in the long-running war over his health care overhaul did not last long. Only five questions later, he was forced to offer a softer, almost wistful acknowledgement of the reality that there are many more battles to wage and the debate could go on for years.

Noted rich liberal to teach income inequality for a gigantic pile of cash. CUNY to Pay Paul Krugman $225K to Teach Income Inequality Everyone reacts differently when they feel they're not being treated equally. Some people just give up and cheat. Academic Dishonesty on the Rise at Harvard Or deny...

The debt in question wasn't incurred by the woman, it was another member of her family and it was the result of an overpayment. The blame lays with the Social Security administration. Marc Fisher of the Washington Post reported this week...

Always look for the union label. Violence Breaks out during Grad Student Protests at UC Santa Cruz UCLA Student Reports from the Frontlines of Student-Workers Union Strike Don't count on everyone to be on board though. Not All College Athletes Are for Unionization Northwestern Scholarship Football Players May Say “No”...