UN Report: Palestinians Raped Women’s Corpses On October 7

On October 7, Israel was invaded by an army of Palestinian Jeffrey Dahmers.

The documentation of the abuses was captured on Hamas and other attackers’ bodycams, in surveillance video, and again confirmed by captured terrorists. Thousands of Gaza “civilians” participated in the carnage. We’ve all seen the videos of captives dragged and driven through the streets of Gaza as thousands of “civilians” spat on them, and punched and beat the already dead bodies. [See list of our prior coverage at the bottom of this post.

One aspect of this brutality was the raping of dead women. We covered that on October 23, 2023, Multiple Hamas Terrorists: We Became Like ISIS, Admit To Beheadings, Stomping Heads, Sex With Dead Women

[Video here in case it is removed from social media]

The UN has confirmed these accounts of necrophilia as part of a broader report, UN Report: “sexual violence occurred during the 7 October attacks in multiple locations … including rape and gang rape”.

“58. Based on the examination of available information, including credible statements by eyewitnesses, there are reasonable grounds to believe that multiple incidents of rape, including gang rape, occurred in and around the Nova festival site during the 7 October attacks. Credible information was obtained regarding multiple incidents whereby victims were subjected to rape and then killed. There are further accounts of individuals who witnessed at least two incidents of rape of corpses of women. Other credible sources at the Nova music festival site described seeing multiple murdered individuals, mostly women, whose bodies were found naked from the waist down, some totally naked, with some gunshots in the head and/or tied including with their hands bound behind their backs and tied to structures such as trees or poles. ” [Emphasis added]

These findings are consistent with the interrogation admissions of captured terrorists. Even the United Nations, which is almost invariably hostile to Israel, confirmed these findings.

That part of the report has not received much attention. It should. It shows what Israel is up against. And why any outcome that doesn’t completely crush Hamas and the other groups and individuals who participated in October 7, will only guarantee another October 7.

From our prior reporting:

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Sexual Assault