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Progressive Economics Week in Education

Progressive Economics Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

We may have a serious problem with basic economic knowledge in this country.

Critical Race Theory is another big problem.

Everything is framed through the lens of progressive politics.

There is not a single place that is immune to this.

Abortion is going to be a hot topic on campus this year.

This is crazy.

How inconvenient for the left.

Good for her.

When does this get resolved?

Probably the right decision.



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‘progressive’ politics is nothing more than neo communism. An illusion of freedom sold by very wealthy whites to anyone ignorant enough to buy in.

    Dimsdale in reply to Whitewall. | August 6, 2022 at 9:52 am

    And they created (and continue to do so at warp speed) the ignorant, useful idiots in the government schools.

Whenever I see Whoopi all I can think of is

One thing that Whoopie Goldberg did for which we are in her debt: she exposed how pathetically ignorant Hollywood idiots like herself are.