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Student Newspaper Columnist Complains About Effects of Inflation on ‘Menstruators’

Student Newspaper Columnist Complains About Effects of Inflation on ‘Menstruators’

“the higher prices that accompany the scarcity of period products will hit those who live in period poverty the hardest”

Inflation is hard on everyone but this writer was obviously focusing on a niche market.

The College Fix reports:

Student columnist laments the effects of inflation on ‘menstruators’

A columnist at the University of Oklahoma’s OU Daily is concerned about inflation’s effects on “menstruators” — or, if you prefer, “people who can become pregnant.”

“Tampons have taken a large hit,” writes Megan Pratt. Prices of tampons and menstrual pads rose 9.8 and 8.3 percent respectively between this January and the end of May, which is bad news for the 50.5 percent of the population that “can menstruate.”

Rylie Mansuetti of the nonprofit Period OKC told the Daily that “period products are already inaccessible to many menstruators, and the higher prices that accompany the scarcity of period products will hit those who live in period poverty the hardest.”

Mansuetti added that menstruating college students “aren’t able to focus as well as their nonmenstruating classmates” as they have to make sure their pad or tampon “last[s] as long as possible.”

Pratt notes there are alternatives to pads and tampons, such as menstrual cups and period underwear, the latter a popular item among menstruators who believe in “free bleeding.”

From the story:

University Health Services is based out of Goddard, which is located near the Bizzell Memorial Library. They are well known for their “sexperts,” peer sex education, counseling options and access to hygiene products and medications alike.

In freshmen-level University College courses, Goddard often has their “sexperts” and health advocates give presentations on what resources are accessible to students at the university. These resources include: menstrual products, healthcare and contraceptives, such as Plan B and IUDs.

The PERIOD @ OU chapter of WHA is working in tandem with PERIOD to start a menstrual movement, according to both websites.

For those who do not have sanitary items on campus during a cycle, WHA provides products in most women’s and gender-neutral restrooms on campus. They are also working to destigmatize the conversations surrounding menstruation and health for people who can become pregnant, according to their website.


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The Gentle Grizzly | August 1, 2022 at 10:40 am

If the chemistry department of a university sets out menstruation products on furniture placed in the washrooms, would that furniture be… periodic tables?

“period poverty.”

Contemplate, just for a moment, the confluence of stupidity, moral vacuity and educational misfeasance that came together to make this term seem reasonable to someone.

Aside from the idiocy of calling women “menstruators” rather than women, there’s an even dumber issue here arising for her claim that 50.5% of the population is “menstruators.”

There are roughly 40 million Americans under the age of 10. The population right now is 338 million, which leaves 298 million over the age of 9. If 50.5% of those are “menstuators,” that would be 150.5 million. Which, when divided by 338 million is 44.5%.

Not only is the author of that article a politically correct moron-ette, but she’s innumerate. What I just went through is fifth-grade arithmetic. She skipped that, yet she’s in college? God help us all.

    RandomCrank in reply to RandomCrank. | August 1, 2022 at 4:35 pm

    As is my usual habit, I threw a bone (oops, is that sexist?) to the other side with an embedded assumption that every female begins menstruation at age 10, which isn’t true. I did that to be unimpeachable on the numbers, plus the numbers I used didn’t slice the age cohorts fine enough for me to use a higher cutoff.

    Precision wasn’t necessary here. The average age of first menstruation is between 12 and 13, but there are 10- and 11-year-old “menstruators” out there.

    Oh and a typo correction: ” … arising from her claim … “

    rustyshamrock in reply to RandomCrank. | August 6, 2022 at 8:14 am

    I don’t believe you accounted for all those that have reached the end of their menstrual periods…

This article appears to support the hypothesis that students get more stupid after going to college, not smarter

Obviously there’s a need for a government program to provide free tampons!

Or maybe not. How much does anyone spend per year on these anyway? And how does that compare as a percentage with what that person likely spends for elective purchases, such as cable TV or streaming?

Your biology and your ideology is not everyone else’s problem.

Theses poor menstruators! 1st, ironically, they’ve left “men” in the term…
/food for thought… wonder what my Grandma and other WOMEN did during the depression? What my Mom and other WOMEN did during WW II, and so many other times that we can go on about. Whatever happened to thinking, imagination, solving an issue (no pun intended!!!)? HHHMMM… wonder what our FEMALE ancestors did 200… 500… 2,000 10K years ago?

period products are already inaccessible

In what sense? I’ve heard no news about a large-scale shortage.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to randian. | August 3, 2022 at 10:55 am

    “Inaccessible “. Meaning “you don’t give them to us rather than us having to dip into our makeup and cigarette budget to pay for them ourselves, whah whah, whah!”