Sheldon Whitehouse Leads Renewed Democrat Attacks On Brett Kavanaugh

One thing you can say about the left is that they have a “never say quit” mindset regarding their pet issues and will wrestle in the mud with the best of them until the very bitter end, no matter how deeply rotten-to-the-core their “cause” actually is.

Abortion, of course, is the hill Republicans know Democrats are prepared to die on, and that has been made more than clear by their relentless smear campaign against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, starting when he was a nominee for the nation’s highest court back in 2018.  The Democrat assault on Kavanaugh has continued ever since, ramping up periodically as certain pro-life/abortion law cases edge ever closer to the Supreme Court.

This week, with the FBI on the hot seat before Congress over their mishandling of their investigations into numerous allegations of sexual assault against former U.S. women’s gymnastics team physician and convicted sex offender Larry Nasser, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) took the opportunity to weave the FBI’s investigation of Brett Kavanaugh into the hearings on Nassar:

“It strikes me very strongly as we sit here today, and as we heard the powerful testimony earlier this morning, that the last time a woman came forward in this committee to testify to her allegations of sexual assault in her childhood, the witness was Christine Blasey Ford,” Whitehouse said.“It appeared to me then, and it appears to me now that her testimony was swept under the rug in a confirmation stampede,” he added. “It is very possible that the FBI investigation of her allegations was just as flawed, just as constrained, just as inappropriate, as the investigation in this case.”


Whitehouse also took to the Twitter machine on Thursday and Friday to virtue signal about how he was committed to getting to the bottom of what he calls the “sham investigation” of Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings:

Former Clintonista-turned-CNN analyst Joe Lockhart was on the same wavelength:

MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner also amped up his previous calls for Democrats to take action on finding out more information about the alleged “sham” investigation:

The simple answer to all the hyperventilating on the left and the renewed calls to investigate Kavanaugh (again) and to look into the original investigation is that the initial one that was done was actually very exhaustive, with witnesses either denying anything ever happened, saying they couldn’t remember any such alleged sexual assaults, or thoroughly discrediting themselves with their own words:

The longer explanation as to why another round of dumpster diving into Brett Kavanaugh’s past is not warranted revolves around the fact that it’s Whitehouse’s repeated bloviating about the 4,500 tips that were reportedly sent in about Kavanaugh that is a sham, not the original investigation.

As Fuzzy wrote back in July, “What Whitehouse — and the New York Times — leaves out of this clothes-rending indictment of the Trump administration and the FBI is that every single senator had access to a summary of all 4500 tips.”

NRO provided an in-depth explainer at the time:

Mike Davis, who served as chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Kavanaugh hearings, tells National Review that there was a summary of all 4,500 tips in the FBI’s report, which was available to all 100 U.S. senators.“They printed out the entire tip-line summary,” says Davis. “Every senator had full access to read those things if they wanted to.”Davis makes a crucial point about Senate Democrats now expressing outrage: “If there was anything that caught their attention, they could have flagged it for further investigation.”“Every whack-job in the world called into that thing. That’s why there were 4,500 [tips],” says Davis. “Grassley’s team went through the entire tip-line. It was nonsense.” Davis worked under then-chairman Chuck Grassley on the committee and now runs the Article 3 Project, a conservative group that focuses on the judiciary.A Republican senator who reviewed the FBI’s report confirms Davis’s description of the tip-line summary. “There was nothing in there . . . nothing anywhere providing a shred of corroboration” of an existing allegation or a new allegation, the senator tells National Review.

Plus, as Georgetown University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley said in his response to the July New York Times report on the 4,500 tips:

“It certainly is possible that one of these tips disclosed clear criminal conduct, but it also would likely mean that the witness never revealed such evidence to the police when it occurred or the Senate during Kavanaugh’s 2006 appellate nomination or before his initial Supreme Court nomination hearings ended.”

In short, there is no there there to Sen. Whitehouse’s arguments. If there were, we’d have heard about it long before now. The likelihood that this is all nothing more than baseless political theater designed to stir the pot and fire up the Democrat base ahead of the 2022 midterms is extremely high.

Then again, we shouldn’t expect any better from Whitehouse, a noted conspiracy nutter and all-white beach club member whose claim to fame during the Kavanaugh hearings was intently grilling him on a high school yearbook fart joke, and who since then has threatened the Supreme Court with political retribution if they don’t rule the left’s way on 2nd Amendment cases.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats, Jonathan Turley, Sheldon Whitehouse, US Supreme Court