Sheldon Whitehouse Leads Renewed Democrat Attacks On Brett Kavanaugh
“…after more than two years of evading our oversight into the sham FBI Kavanaugh investigation, Director Wray promised me answers and documents in two weeks. They better be real answers, not more weak excuses and stonewalling,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) tweeted Thursday.

One thing you can say about the left is that they have a “never say quit” mindset regarding their pet issues and will wrestle in the mud with the best of them until the very bitter end, no matter how deeply rotten-to-the-core their “cause” actually is.
Abortion, of course, is the hill Republicans know Democrats are prepared to die on, and that has been made more than clear by their relentless smear campaign against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, starting when he was a nominee for the nation’s highest court back in 2018. The Democrat assault on Kavanaugh has continued ever since, ramping up periodically as certain pro-life/abortion law cases edge ever closer to the Supreme Court.
This week, with the FBI on the hot seat before Congress over their mishandling of their investigations into numerous allegations of sexual assault against former U.S. women’s gymnastics team physician and convicted sex offender Larry Nasser, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) took the opportunity to weave the FBI’s investigation of Brett Kavanaugh into the hearings on Nassar:
“It strikes me very strongly as we sit here today, and as we heard the powerful testimony earlier this morning, that the last time a woman came forward in this committee to testify to her allegations of sexual assault in her childhood, the witness was Christine Blasey Ford,” Whitehouse said.
“It appeared to me then, and it appears to me now that her testimony was swept under the rug in a confirmation stampede,” he added. “It is very possible that the FBI investigation of her allegations was just as flawed, just as constrained, just as inappropriate, as the investigation in this case.”
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) presses FBI Director Wray for documents on their sham investigation of Brett Kavanaugh.
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) September 15, 2021
Whitehouse also took to the Twitter machine on Thursday and Friday to virtue signal about how he was committed to getting to the bottom of what he calls the “sham investigation” of Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings:
Yesterday, after more than two years of evading our oversight into the sham FBI Kavanaugh investigation, Director Wray promised me answers and documents in two weeks. They better be real answers, not more weak excuses and stonewalling.
— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) September 16, 2021
I was so persistent Chairman Graham even hauled in the DAG to try to get me some answers, but still Wray stonewalled.
— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) September 17, 2021
If Wray and FBI did the Kavanaugh investigation properly, I doubt they would have hidden info about it for so long. Two years now and still waiting…
— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) September 17, 2021
Former Clintonista-turned-CNN analyst Joe Lockhart was on the same wavelength:
You can make the exact same argument about why sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh were not investigated. The buck stops with the FBI. They need to answer why the go to great lengths to protect men at the expense of women. Chris Wray must be held accountable.
— Joe Lockhart (@joelockhart) September 15, 2021
MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner also amped up his previous calls for Democrats to take action on finding out more information about the alleged “sham” investigation:
FBI/Chris Wray Failed to Investigate 4500 Tips about Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Nomination. Here's what both the Biden administration and Congress must do now. Because #JusticeMatters via @YouTube
— Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) September 15, 2021
The simple answer to all the hyperventilating on the left and the renewed calls to investigate Kavanaugh (again) and to look into the original investigation is that the initial one that was done was actually very exhaustive, with witnesses either denying anything ever happened, saying they couldn’t remember any such alleged sexual assaults, or thoroughly discrediting themselves with their own words:
In the case of Kavanaugh, the FBI did investigate and found that every supposed "witness" said it did not happen or could not remember the events in question.
— Joe Cunningham (@JoePCunningham) September 15, 2021
The longer explanation as to why another round of dumpster diving into Brett Kavanaugh’s past is not warranted revolves around the fact that it’s Whitehouse’s repeated bloviating about the 4,500 tips that were reportedly sent in about Kavanaugh that is a sham, not the original investigation.
As Fuzzy wrote back in July, “What Whitehouse — and the New York Times — leaves out of this clothes-rending indictment of the Trump administration and the FBI is that every single senator had access to a summary of all 4500 tips.”
NRO provided an in-depth explainer at the time:
Mike Davis, who served as chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Kavanaugh hearings, tells National Review that there was a summary of all 4,500 tips in the FBI’s report, which was available to all 100 U.S. senators.
“They printed out the entire tip-line summary,” says Davis. “Every senator had full access to read those things if they wanted to.”
Davis makes a crucial point about Senate Democrats now expressing outrage: “If there was anything that caught their attention, they could have flagged it for further investigation.”
“Every whack-job in the world called into that thing. That’s why there were 4,500 [tips],” says Davis. “Grassley’s team went through the entire tip-line. It was nonsense.” Davis worked under then-chairman Chuck Grassley on the committee and now runs the Article 3 Project, a conservative group that focuses on the judiciary.
A Republican senator who reviewed the FBI’s report confirms Davis’s description of the tip-line summary. “There was nothing in there . . . nothing anywhere providing a shred of corroboration” of an existing allegation or a new allegation, the senator tells National Review.
Plus, as Georgetown University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley said in his response to the July New York Times report on the 4,500 tips:
“It certainly is possible that one of these tips disclosed clear criminal conduct, but it also would likely mean that the witness never revealed such evidence to the police when it occurred or the Senate during Kavanaugh’s 2006 appellate nomination or before his initial Supreme Court nomination hearings ended.”
In short, there is no there there to Sen. Whitehouse’s arguments. If there were, we’d have heard about it long before now. The likelihood that this is all nothing more than baseless political theater designed to stir the pot and fire up the Democrat base ahead of the 2022 midterms is extremely high.
Then again, we shouldn’t expect any better from Whitehouse, a noted conspiracy nutter and all-white beach club member whose claim to fame during the Kavanaugh hearings was intently grilling him on a high school yearbook fart joke, and who since then has threatened the Supreme Court with political retribution if they don’t rule the left’s way on 2nd Amendment cases.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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All benefit. No risk. Why not. Throw another baby on the barbie…
Throw another granny in the grinder, too. Feminists stand up to women. Transgender conversion therapy. Transnational wars and immigration reform. Unconditional surrender with housewarming “gifts”. A novel case of self-defense, a Whitmer Closet, and stoking disorder (“riot”) and spinning handmade tales. All benefit. No risk.
They literally have nothing left, these Democrats. Nothing,
They fail on every possible issue, even the least important,
I think this is what win in 2022 looks like.
Does Shellie still belong to that all white beacK Klub in RI? AsKing for a friend,
Tell your friend it’s a lifetime membership. Duh!
Why is anyone listening to this privileged white male supremacist racist. Take an affirmative anti-racist stance and demand he step down so he can be replaced by a trans POC!
“…be replaced by a trans POC!”
There are some really nice looking ones out there to choose from.
Have you even been to Rhode Island?
My thought exactly. It’s time for his club’s BOD to elect him Super Kleagle or whatever, so we can be rid of this turbulent fraud.
While it’s fun to taunt him with this club, and he would certainly not hesitate to accuse such a club of racism if a Republican colleague were a member, so sauce for the goose and all that, bear in mind that there’s no actual reason to suspect this club of racism. Doing so is unfair to the club’s other members and to its board, who are guilty of nothing more than the poor taste of associating with this awful person.
Yes, Sheldon Outhouse still belongs three all white beach clubs. He does nothing for RI. His obsession is with Justice Kavanaugh. It is sick. Justice Kavanaugh has been investigated over and over again. Outhouse needs to stop harrassing and threating Justice Kavanaugh and his family.
I actually like the idea he still is a member. No sudden Seeing The Error of His Ways and resigning, then rejoining when he leaves office.
Whether one shares my opinion or not, I believe in freedom of association and freedom of assembly. My biggest concern with any politician is whether or not they respect the Constitution, and respect the wallets of the productive citizens.
Remember: Harry S Truman was in the Klan at one time, according to something I read decades ago. He also integrated the armed forces and was the first to recognize Israel.
The only thing that went wrong there is that the woman making the false accusations has not been convicted of at the very least lying to congress. And if our system were actually just false accuser would suffer the consequences their victims would have suffered if wrongfully convicted.
Yes, but then the burden of proof would be on the prosecution. You’d have to prove she lied, beyond reasonable doubt, which is a lot more difficult than simply establishing that her story can’t be proven true, and is unlikely to be true.
Yes, Sheldon Outhouse still belongs three all white beach clubs. He does nothing for RI. His obsession is with Justice Kavanaugh. It is sick. Justice Kavanaugh has been investigated over and over again. Outhouse needs to stop harrassing and threating Justice Kavanaugh and his family. Fords main witness, her best friend Leyland Keyser, told the FBI that Ford was a liar. Keyser said she never brought Ford to a party, had never met Kavanaugh and was also being threatened by Fords team to change her story to make Kavanaugh look bad. Same thingwas happening to Mark Judge. He testified for hours with the FBI and he said there was never such party or anything ever happen like Ford described. He was also being threatened with phone calls where a man was saying “change your story to make Kavanaugh look bad or else”. Judge said Ford was a liar who wanted her 15 minutes of fame, and she also got money out of it too.
Of course they won’t let it go! Communists like Whitehouse are still enraged that Lincoln freed the slaves.
I he were president, we’d have the “Whitehouse White House.”
We’d have the “White Whitehouse White House.”
Man’s a big fan of Wilson.
Someone should remind him the vote is over and we don’t conduct investigations after the vote because doing so is a threat to democracy, or something like that.
A veritable insurrection…. less a capital guard to murder an unarmed woman, in a prone position, in a what is a novel case of self-defense, and a Congress that denies executive assistance to carry out crowd control, with one, two, several embedded instigators (Whitmer Closet?) to force disorder (“riot”).
Like he’s got room to attack anyone on anything.
Can Rhode Island not rid us of this insufferable ass?
Only by replacing him with someone even worse.
Since impeaching Trump again is off the table, perhaps they’re laying the groundwork for a go at impeaching Kavanaugh, just for the media attention it would generate. And if they’re lucky, since everyone knows he’d be acquitted in the Senate he’d resign instead because you know his family would be harassed like crazy. And voila, we have a Supreme Court vacancy we can fill with a liberal justice!
Or, alternatively, they might be able to push Kavanaugh further to the left, in the vain hope that they’ll leave him alone.
I think that’s likely to backfire.
How so? (the downtick isn’t mine).
I think Kavanaugh knows that no matter what he does, the feminists will ride the Kavanaugh hobby horse till the day he start pushing up daisies.
Well, thankfully he’s not as old as Ginsburg, so that riles up the opposition. He will be on the court for a good long time.
Well this Senator is not the sharpest tool in the shed. There’s a reason he’s known–not so affectionately–in his home state as Sheldon Whorehouse.
The state that will return him for more terms.
His goal is to stay in office until he dies and then have a great big funeral like John McCain.
This scraping the bottom of the barrel. Nothing new just recycling the old. Zero originality. Same with the movie industry. No creativity there either they just recast the classics or the successful into an SJW mockery of the original.
“It appeared to me then, and it appears to me now that her testimony was swept under the rug in a confirmation stampede,” he added. “It is very possible that the FBI investigation of her allegations was just as flawed, just as constrained, just as inappropriate, as the investigation in this case.”
then not only are you a dumbass, you’re a blind dumbass, senator shithouse
Someone ruined a great horse’s ass when they put teeth in his mouth.
There went that keyboard.
They know Kavanaugh is weak
How about Gorsuch expanding Title VII to homosexuals and “transgenders,” in an utterly indefensible act of total judicial arrogance, narcissism and contrivance, totally unsupported by either the words of the statute at issue, or, the understanding of the legislators who drafted it? Kavanaugh hasn’t done anything on the SCOTUS bench that comes close to producing the noxious stench of this indefensible opinion. That CDC rent moratorium edict that was allowed to stand because of an impending expiration date, as irritating and wrong as that opinion was, doesn’t come close.
My point being, Gorsuch should not escape scrutiny or criticism. This Title VII opinion was utterly farcical “jurisprudence,” representing the quintessence of judicial arrogance and irrational, completely illogical reasoning.
I call him “Wheldon Shitehouse”. He’s a particularly odious POS.
Shitehouse, Mazie Hirono, Ron Wyden, Fauxcahontas, Schmuck Schumer, Comrade Sanders, crone Pelosi, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Rafael Warnock, Occasional-Cortex; the list is endless. The Dhimmi-crat Party is brimming with utterly vile and contemptible apparatchiks.
Just when you think that the utterly vile Dhimmi-crats are incapable of plumbing even deeper depths of vindictiveness, narcissism, stupidity, infantilism and obnoxious, totalitarian antics, they manage to surprise.
That’s ironic since Kavanaugh is likely to be a vote against overruling Roe and Casey. Not only is Casey his mentor Kennedy’s work, but he’s on record as saying that he regards it as “the precedent on precedents”. So if abortion were their overwhelming focus they should want him on the court, and they should not want to piss him off so badly that he would change his mind.
“The precedent on precedents”, not “the precedent on abortion rights”.
By the way, I assume that Whitehouse is still a member of that exclusive New England club that boasts no/scant members “of color.”
Last I had heard, the guy was refusing to resign his membership. It’s tough being a Dhimmi-crat “Social Justice Warrior” and being expected to match one’s personal deeds with one’s demagoguery.
The club does not boast of that. There is no indication at all that the club is racist, and it’s unfair to accuse it just because it has the bad taste to have admitted Whitehouse as a member. There’s no reason he should resign from it, except that if a Republican were in the same position he would be unfairly demanding their resignation. That’s a reason to attack him, but not to attack the club itself.
You’re missing my point, entirely. Don’t get tripped up on semantics. The club may not be “racist,” per se, but, the Dhimmi-crats have made a great deal of political hay out of promoting notions of “Diversity.” Why should Whitehouse belong to an exclusive club that refuses to adhere to the Dhimmi-crats’ own, loudly-professed ethos of “Diversity” in its membership rolls? Whether the cause of such lack of Diversity is racism or some other, more pedestrian cause (i.e., pecuniary ones), Whitehouse should be held to the same standards that his Party ceaselessly promotes.
I shed no tears for Whitehouse, but what has the club done to merit such unfair treatment?
Also, if you’re being unfair to Whitehouse because he deserves it, which he does, just remember that it is unfair. Don’t confuse snark with reality.
Is that the one he’s been in forever and says he’ll work from within to change their racist past? Kind of hard to do when one has been one the more well known racist member.
No, he did not say he would work to change their racist past, because they had no racist past. What racist members are you talking about? As far as I know there is no evidence whatsoever of any racism at that club.
Not that that would have stopped Whitehouse from slinging accusations if it were a Republican who was a member.
By the way, Lockhart is clearly wrong about the FBI never “protecting” women. They certainly went out of their way to protect crone Clinton from what should have been severe criminal charges from brazenly violating a slew of national security laws. Funny how the Dhimmi-crats forgot about that one.
“That was no lady, that was my wife”.
Abortion should also be a hill the repubs should be ready to die on. Fight back like a democrat.
Plenty of pictures of development in the womb by six weeks along with sight, taste, smell and brain development.
Get down in the mud and take it to them. Ask why baby parts are being ordered. Get the ones who used to aid in abortions and have seen the hell for what it is and bring them into your campaign. Ask if they’re just a clump of cells why people are asking for certain body parts.
Line up a bunch of babies wearing shirts that say “Glad I got out before they decided to use my stem cells”. Hit them hard and hit them again.
Observation: the two women sitting behind Whitehouse certainly have the Feminist Scowl perfected.
Did you ever watch Bugs Bunny, Sheldon? You are what he called a Maroon. You can keep kicking your feet and screaming, that will not change facts. We didn’t like it when your favorite HilLIARy! got a pass from justice.
As far as I can tell, you have no case that you can bring, so you are insisting that the Deep State do your bidding just like they did in Trump Collusion. It doesn’t sell out here in OH, Sheldon. If you had a lower ignorance level in your state, it wouldn’t sell there either.
You are the perfect leftist rep. Always certain, never right.