Portland Mayor Wheeler Wants to Ban Everything Texas Over Its Pro-Life Law
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Portland Mayor Wheeler Wants to Ban Everything Texas Over Its Pro-Life Law

Portland Mayor Wheeler Wants to Ban Everything Texas Over Its Pro-Life Law

Wheeler’s city is still burning after a year, but Texas is the bad guy because it wants to save babies.

I saw the best post in my Pro-Life Warriors Facebook group: Imagine being mad that babies will live.

I guess Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler hates babies. He said the city council will vote on Wednesday to ban everything related to Texas because the state passed a pro-life law to protect unborn human beings.

The Supreme Court voted 5-4 not to halt the Texas heartbeat law

From Fox News:

In statement released Friday, Mayor Ted Wheeler said City Council will hold a vote on the resolution on Wednesday, Sept. 8, with the intent to ban Portland’s “future procurement of goods and services from, and City employee business travel to, the state of Texas.”

“The Portland City Council stands unified in its belief that all people should have the right to choose if and when they carry a pregnancy and that the decisions they make are complex, difficult, and unique to their circumstances,” Wheeler said. “The ban will be in effect until the state of Texas withdraws its unconstitutional ban on abortion or until it is overturned in court. City legal counsel is currently evaluating the legal aspects of this proposed resolution.”

In Portland, Wheeler affirmed, “This law does not demonstrate concern for the health, safety, and well-being of those who may become pregnant. This law does not recognize or show respect for the human rights of those who may become pregnant. This law rewards private individuals for exercising surveillance and control over others’ bodies. It violates the separation of church and state. And, it will force people to carry pregnancies against their will.”

“We stand with Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Stephen Breyer, and Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who fought to block this attack on the reproductive rights, freedom, and autonomy of people across the country,” the mayor’s statement continued. “We urge other leaders and elected bodies around the nation to join us in condemning the actions of the Texas state government. Portland City Council stands with the people who may one day face difficult decisions about pregnancy, and we respect their right to make the best decision for themselves.”

Wheeler urges others to condemn the Texas state government because they had the nerve to protect the most vulnerable and defenseless human beings on the planet.

This is the same man who cannot control his city. He allows rioters to destroy private businesses. He bent over backward to accommodate Antifa and BLM even though they demanded his resignation and occupied his apartment.

His hatred for former President Donald Trump trumped (pun intended) the safety of Portland civilians.

Oh, wait. A year after the start of nonstop violence Wheeler wants to “unmask” all the violent rioters.

Shall I continue? Because Wheeler’s problems are not going away. The homeless problem forced the LPGA to move a tournament. The Portland police riot team resigned. Regular police officers are leaving the city.

Antifa surrounded a hotel because they thought Andy Ngo was in it. Antifa also tried to burn down the justice center…again.

So Wheeler’s city is burning after a year, but Texas is the bad guy because it wants to save babies.

Again: Imagine being mad that babies will live.


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Literally, just do the opposite of whatever Wheeler says and you’ll be fine. I feel f sorry for the suffering citizens of Portland who have to put up with such terrible leadership.

    Oregon Mike in reply to Ben Kent. | September 6, 2021 at 12:35 pm

    Well, the people of Portland voted for him. Not that they had much choice: his principal opponent was an Antifa supporter and even more looney than he.

    Portland’s last Republican mayor was Connie McCready, in office September 5, 1979 – November 24, 1980, and she was appointed by the City Council, not elected. She was succeeded by Frank Ivancie, a “conservative” Democrat. Frank was succeeded by an eccentric local tavern owner, Bud Clark. And things started to go down hill from there. (Ivancie went on to head the Oregon chapter of Democrats for Reagan.)

      Hawkeye42 in reply to Oregon Mike. | September 6, 2021 at 2:42 pm

      I have a friend who used to work for Travel Portland pre Covid lunacy, she said last weekend that there is no way she would want to rep the city now as it is the new Detroit. This saddens me as I loved the city when I visited 6 years ago but I could see the direction it was going even then.

    He is the “Mayor Pete” of Portland.

    Idonttweet in reply to Ben Kent. | September 6, 2021 at 7:01 pm

    They have ANTIFA/BLM destroying what’s left of their city, what’s left of their police department would rather eat Krispy Kremes till retirement than go out and stop them, and the mayor and city council would rather demonstrate how enlightened they are by not buying anything from halfway across the country all so they can virtue signal and pat themselves on the back. Why? Because Texas passed a law that doesn’t affect Portland in the slightest. Do they really think Texas is even going to notice? Portland voters should remember this the next few election cycles.

    Idonttweet in reply to Ben Kent. | September 6, 2021 at 9:03 pm

    Question for the lawyers among you: Could this action be considered a bill of attainder and prohibited by Art I, Sec 9, Cl 3 of the Constitution? (Actually a bill of pains and penalties since the inflicted punishment is not death. Justice Story considered such to be an irresponsible despotic discretion by the legislative body, being governed solely by what it deems political necessity or expediency, and too often under the influence of unreasonable fears, or unfounded suspicions. (J. Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1338 (1833).) While not aimed at any individual, the proposed action would target an entire class of people, specifically Texas merchants.

Keep your insanity in Portland.

This guy is an attention addict.

    Dennis in reply to Valerie. | September 6, 2021 at 12:48 pm

    I think he’s the Mayor of Portland and he wants to keep his job. Saying bad stuff about Texas is a no brainer if you’re trying to get people in Portland to like you.

      Beaufort in reply to Dennis. | September 6, 2021 at 3:20 pm

      Does this include Texas gasoline? How about Texas’ contribuktion to Fed funds Portland gets?

        henrybowman in reply to Beaufort. | September 6, 2021 at 3:38 pm

        Yeah. I was eagerly anticipating Portlandites freezing to death in the dark, without a drop of Dr. Pepper or Shiner Bock in the house to numb their crabbed little souls.

What is fascinating about the abortion rights absolutism position to me is the lack of intellectual honesty and consistency. The notion that Wheeler actually believes that society should ‘respect their right to make the best decision for themselves’ is false.

If he truly believed that he and the rest of the abortion absolutists would also be demanding and enacting the removal of child support laws and governmental assistance bearing children. Either this decision is wholly a woman’s right and responsibility or it isn’t.

If abortion is solely the health care issue that these absolutists insist it is then they must be forced to continue the logic of that. As long as society has an obligation to provide resources to support the child either by CT ordered support from the father or through govt assistance then decisions about abortion are not a health care issue.

The d/progressive insist upon the idea of including ‘stakeholders’ to the decision making table in every issue and ensuring their wants needs and desires are fully heard and addressed except this one.

Who cares Portland? You are a lost city that no one cares to visit.

    PODKen in reply to Dr.Dave. | September 6, 2021 at 3:18 pm

    I care … because that s*** metastasizes to other cities and helps screw them up too.

      henrybowman in reply to PODKen. | September 6, 2021 at 5:54 pm

      Cities are cities. Towns get big, they collect the unwashed, they become cities, they get huge, and then they turn blue. Until quite recently, they would spend decades in a state of incompetent political senility. I look at what is going on today as the “nice, clean heart attack” alternative, and I can’t help thinking it’s preferable.

Tom Potter was the last elected mayor in Portland, and that was because Jim Francesconi was just such a sleeze-ball. Since then, the party selects who will run and the people are basically given that as a choice. Property developer money has paid for Wheeler to be in office, and when I look around I basically try to follow the money in every decision. What we have in Portland is a struggle for power in the democratic power between the do-gooder libtards and the avowed Marxists, and honestly, I am not sure which faction is more dangerous, but neither is good for the community in general. Portland is a perfect example of what one gets from a one-party system with no checks and balances. There are no consequences to screwing up here. Even the child molesters get a 2nd and 3rd chance.

The Jersey mob are amateurs when it come to intimidation tactics. Every other property in Portland has a BLM sign, but I am betting that very few were actually purchased by the property owner, those being custom crafted models so that the person can “out-woke” their neighbor.

    Dennis in reply to MajorWood. | September 6, 2021 at 1:23 pm

    Well, the Antifa crazy lady who ran against Wheeler did get 40% of the vote. Some early polls showed her in the lead. It’s not like Portland voters weren’t given a meaningful choice in the last election.

In statement released Friday, Mayor Ted Wheeler said City Council will hold a vote on the resolution on Wednesday, Sept. 8, with the intent to ban Portland’s “future procurement of goods and services from, and City employee business travel to, the state of Texas.”

regrettably a clear blow to all of us here under the lone star–guess we’ll just have to keep on keeping on

Blaise MacLean | September 6, 2021 at 1:15 pm

Plus they have Satan on their team. Just saying.

That should tell you everything you need to know.

but burning down his city and stabbing and shooting people is just fine

What exactly would Portland buy? KKK-style robes for BLM/Antifa? Gasoline and bricks for destroying buildings? Brass knuckles, clubs, knives and guns for “mostly peaceful protests”?

Ideologues are incompetent at governance.

Everyone in the Democrat party is (required to be) an ideologue.

Ergo Wheeler is an idiot.

There goes Texas’ soy latte and avocado toast industries!

I wonder if they will take books from Texas to burn?

Headline should read:

“Portland Mayor Needs Mental Eval. Thinks He is Emperor of the United States”

Do it.

Portland needs Texas a hell of a lot more than Texas needs Portland.

There is no mystery in sex and conception. A woman and man have four choices and still six weeks. Baby steps.

    rhhardin in reply to n.n. | September 6, 2021 at 2:41 pm

    You don’t know you’re pregnant in six weeks if you have irregular periods, and contraception doesn’t always work.

      CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | September 6, 2021 at 3:21 pm

      Ok those are fair points but fail to address the entirety of the discussion. The question isn’t abortion v no abortion. This is a dishonest framework, IMO.

      The more honest framework is prepared to become pregnant or not. Framing the question in this manner presents a more comprehensive look at motives, foregone choices and individual responsibility.

      If someone isn’t prepared to accept the responsibility of becoming a parent then becoming sexually active isn’t a prudent decision for males or females. If they insist then multiple forms of birth control should be used by males and females. Then the ‘morning after pills’. Then a home pregnancy test. Then pregnancy screening. Only then do we reach abortion.

      henrybowman in reply to rhhardin. | September 6, 2021 at 3:51 pm

      As the BRLFQ++ crowd is continually happy to pound into our heads, there’s a lot more than one way to “have sex,” only one of which carries any risk of pregnancy.
      And if you just gotta have that, there’s always Plan B.
      And should even Plan B fail, Plan C is never going away.

      Abstinence AKA not having sex works every time.

        rhhardin in reply to Romey. | September 6, 2021 at 5:06 pm

        People do a cost-benefit analysis and it comes out have sex. That’s because abortion is available so the cost isn’t huge. Nobody thinks it’s a great method of birth control but birth control doesn’t always work.

        Where it’s left up to the political process a reasonable compromise comes out, in particular one that doesn’t cause strife because each absolutist side sees that it’s hopelessly outnumbered in votes. I’d suggest the break point is where the fetus can be made to appear cute. That’s where there’s a compromisibility peak. Going either side of that provokes too much opposition to win.

        But in the US it’s not up to the political process until Roe is undone and the political process can start to work. Then everybody will forget about abortion.

          rhhardin in reply to rhhardin. | September 6, 2021 at 5:09 pm

          The TX law is a right-to-life mistake because it’s way too early to have stable support. It’s a “we can beat those bastards” sally, but those bastards at that cutoff are a majority so it’s a losing move.

          henrybowman in reply to rhhardin. | September 6, 2021 at 5:59 pm

          “People do a cost-benefit analysis and it comes out have sex. That’s because abortion is available so the cost isn’t huge.”

          We don’t have to justify it morally as long as we can justify it economically.

          Now do California shoplifting, bankruptcy abuse, welfare for the able, and genocide.

          The cost of abortion is very high: it cheapens life, and has caused psychic damage to the women who have undergone it – maybe not immediately, but wait till they get older.

          As for cheapening life: that’s the left’s goal, because the left’s ultimate goal is genocide. It alwasy is.

        CorkyAgain in reply to Romey. | September 7, 2021 at 11:12 pm

        … with one famous exception.

      elliesmom in reply to rhhardin. | September 6, 2021 at 7:40 pm

      You don’t need to know you’re pregnant to take the “morning after pill”. You just need to know you had sex. Contraception failure is part of the “”cost benefit analysis”. when you decide to have sex. Is this woman someone I’d be willing to raise a child with? Consequence-free sex doesn’t exist.

Conservative Beaner | September 6, 2021 at 2:31 pm

To paraphrase the great WC Fields;

Go away soy boy you bother me.

Portland has an incompetent PR department. The right move is offer free transportation to Portland abortion clinics to Texas women.

    MajorWood in reply to rhhardin. | September 6, 2021 at 2:49 pm

    But then every homeless person who wants to come here for the freebies will identify as a pregnant woman to get the bus pass.

    So I was in Fort Worth a few weeks ago, and I mention to the locals that Fort Worth had 3 homeless, 1 tent, no graffiti on the courthouse, and no BLM or other woke signs. It was the last one that really bothered people.

    Portland has gone Full Stockholm.

      Ben Kent in reply to MajorWood. | September 6, 2021 at 3:25 pm

      MajorWood’s assessment is correct. Portland needs an army of therapists to treat the Stockholm syndrome.

      henrybowman in reply to MajorWood. | September 6, 2021 at 3:55 pm

      “But then every homeless person who wants to come here for the freebies will identify as a pregnant woman to get the bus pass.”

      You enact Mexican-border-style policies, you have to play by Mexican-border-style rules. It’s just part of the burden of being a Democrat.

Maybe instead of such flaccid virtue signaling, Ted can make a contribution to the problem of unwed mothers by showing more women how to swallow.

“…I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.”

— Otter, Animal House

Let’s ban Ted Wheeler and those of his hateful political outlook. We need to accept those around us not be so quick to reject others as is Ted Wheeler.

This moron is so woke that he can’t even bring himself to say the word “women” in a rant about abortion. Instead he blathers about the supposed rights of “people who can get pregnant.”

What a first-class wanker.

Wait? What? Portland has a prison population? I thought that they were all let out on recognizance.

I see Portland as being lost because it has likely crossed over to voter fraud on a level where they simply use the media and “their polls” to predict an outcome, and then fudge the numbers to get said outcome. What 99% of the Libtards haven’t yet figured out is that their votes are getting tossed as well. The 2020 fraud started in SC when Biden came out of nowhere to win. And of course the Bernie dolts were too stupid to see that they were the ones getting bent over the chair first. Then the cancel culture piles on where anyone who challenges the results is declared a homophobe or white supremacist. Last Fall my neighbor called me a white supremacist because I wouldn’t sign her petition of universal “free preschool” for 3 and 4 yo’s. Free to her was “rich people pay for it.” The next time her kids are forced to write LGBTQ on the sidewalk I am going to embellish it into Lets Get Biden To Quit later that night.

If there’s a God, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Washington, etc. will join Oregon and STAY THE HELL OUT OF TEXAS! Who knew this is all it would take?

Good. We have enough sniveling little marxist soyboi pussies in Austin. We don’t need to be importing more from Oregon.

Insufficiently Sensitive | September 7, 2021 at 10:53 am

I guess Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler hates babies. He said the city council will vote on Wednesday to ban everything related to Texas because the state passed a pro-life law to protect unborn human beings.

The arrogance of this junior Stalin is despicable. Why should HIS City Council be casting democratic votes intended to punish the Texas legislature for theirs? Oh… this must be ‘Equity’ at work – all Americans are equal, but Portlanders are equaler than all the others.

That’s fine. I’ve already banned everything Portland. We’d like to have our state back.