Dangerous Words and Lawsuits Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.

There are two kinds of racism on college campuses today. One is imagined, the other is real.
- Duquesne University Terminates Prof for Using N-Word in Class Discussion About Why It’s Inappropriate
- Yale Sued by DOJ Over Discriminatory Admissions Policies Against “Asian and White Applicants”
Higher education is obsessed with the subject.
- U. Minnesota Lecture Features 12-Step Recovery Program for Whiteness
- New Math Class at Wake Forest University Aims to Help Students Combat Racism
- Students Protest After Six Minority Students Not Admitted to Medical School
The campus reaction to the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett was predictable.
- Sorority Deletes Tweet Congratulating Amy Coney Barrett for Being Nominated to Supreme Court
- 88 Members of ‘Teacher-Scholar-Activist,’ Signed Letter Against Barrett, None of Notre Dame Law
The feelings of college students do not matter more than Abraham Lincoln.
Can you imagine this happening even ten years ago?
A totally normal thing to say.
Dissent from the progressive viewpoint is not allowed.
Social justice is all the rage on campus.
- U. Pittsburgh Introducing Initiative for ‘Justice Teaching’ in Public Schools
- Big 12 Athletic Conference Pushing Social Justice in College Football Fall Season
Check it out.
The cause is a real mystery.
Wait, what?

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Don’t leave out the story of the latina student senator at Loyola getting impeached for being conservative:
There is no white against black ‘racism’ on any college campus. The opposite is true, however.
Bottom line: our schools have become nothing more than leftist/islamic indoctrination centers.
Until we seize them back, abandon all hope.