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August 2020

I first heard of Critical Race Theory back in 2012 from Andrew Breitbart, and like all decent, law-abiding, fair-minded, non-racist Americans, I was appalled by it.  As Breitbart warned at the time, this then-radical Marxism-based divisive, destructive theory is being mainstreamed.  It has moved out of our universities and into our culture, society, and even our government.

The Morning Joe Show is panicking. I doubt they believe the polls that Biden is close to double-digits ahead. The usual crazed conspiracy theories and foaming at the mouth have reached a new level.

Protesters and rioters in Seattle are in the news all the time. One group of people in Seattle who get hardly any attention are the people trying to run businesses in the city. They are deeply concerned about the efforts to defund the police. Some of them are even leaving the city.

United States Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) has taken a significant lead over primary challenger Rep. Joseph Kennedy III (D-MA) in a closely watched race. At the beginning of this, many people thought Kennedy would walk away with the nomination, but Markey has fought hard to retain his position. The primary takes place on September 1.

We constantly hear that there is systemic racism in higher education. That's true, except not in the way propagandized. The last existing systemic racism in higher ed takes place in the admissions process at elite institutions, in order to achieve a racial mix preferred by administrators and activists. The primary victims of such practices are people of Asian descent.