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July 2019

Five years after a significant outbreak in Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared another international emergency over Ebola. The spread of the Ebola virus, which began in the central African nation of Congo, has been designated as a "public health emergency of international concern," a WHO spokesperson said.

The House of Representatives passed the Raise the wage Act, 231-199, that would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 from $7.25. The bill states it has to happen by 2025. While the left celebrates the news, the bill may never see the light of day in the Republican-controlled Senate.

Round 2....FIGHT! The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced the 2020 Democratic candidates who reached the threshold to qualify for the second round of debates. CNN will host the debates on July 30 and 31 in Detroit, MI.

Five years ago, on this exact date, Eric Garner died while violently resisting lawful arrest for a petty crime. Yesterday the Department of Justice announced that there would be no civil rights charges against the police officer most associated with that arrest (although numerous officers were involved). This perfectly reasonable decision by the DOJ —- consistent with similar conclusions drawn by every other official review of this case, including that of a grand jury—has predictably led to confusion and outrage among the ill-informed, so it seems worth taking a moment to recollect the facts and law that apply to the Garner case.

Facebook is going overboard in an attempt to make sure nobody gets their feelings hurt on the platform. Pro-life activist Domenico Bettinelli claimed that Facebook deleted a quote from St. Augustine because it violated the platform's Community Standards on hate speech.