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Warren Brings in Massive $19 Million Second Quarter Fundraising Haul

Warren Brings in Massive $19 Million Second Quarter Fundraising Haul

Her first debate performance was less than stellar, but it doesn’t appear to have damped her fundraising power.

Senator Elizabeth Warren brought in a massive $19 million second quarter fundraising haul, passing up both Sanders and Harris and giving Biden a run for his money — he raised $21.5 million.

Fundraising hauls have to be weighed against the campaign’s “burn rate” or how much of the money they’re bringing in is being spent. Warren’s campaign has dialed down the burn rate substantially compared to the first quarter.

From Politico:

The Warren campaign appears built to last. After hiring more than 300 staffers, it still has $19.7 million cash on hand, according to a campaign source. That figure suggests that the campaign dramatically reduced its “burn rate” in the second quarter, from 85 percent to 55 percent. The campaign still spent about $10.6 million last quarter, but the increase in online fundraising allowed it to add $8.5 million to its cash on hand.

Sanders, who has the benefit of an established fundraising base raked in $18 million in the second quarter. Warren seems to be poaching his base, painting herself as another progressive alternative. Politico again:

The Warren campaign has argued that forswearing fundraisers has been critical to her recent rise in the polls. The freed-up time, staffers argue, has allowed Warren to do 107 town halls, travel to 23 states plus Puerto Rico, wait through her signature “selfie lines” after every event, and dive deep into policy. Warren’s personal calls to small-dollar donors — and the resulting web videos of some of those calls — have also become a hit on Twitter as random progressives announce that “Elizabeth Warren called me!”

“Almost everything going well for [Warren] lately traces to her decision not to devote her time and energy to wealthy donor access, but instead to building organization and talking about problems facing the country and solutions,” her senior adviser Dan Geldon tweeted last month. “It’s the right way to run for President.”

Warren and Sanders, who also has essentially spurned the fundraising circuit, have both managed to fund their campaigns and outraise rivals like Harris through donations online. They also were within range of Pete Buttigieg, who raised a pack-leading $25 million but who attended about 50 high-dollar fundraisers plus 20 other fundraisers with lower ticket prices in the second quarter.

But Sanders had the advantage of having assembled a grass-roots donor base during his last presidential run. Warren’s ability to surpass him this quarter suggests that her operation is quickly gaining on the Vermont senator.

Warren has gradually been trying to establish herself as a progressive alternative to Sanders, with splashy proposals to forgive $600 billion in student debt and impose a “wealth tax” on people with assets over $50 million. After several months of varying answers on Medicare for All — Sanders’ signature issue — Warren has recently deployed a simple response on the issue: “I’m with Bernie.”

Her first debate performance was less than stellar, but it doesn’t appear to have damped her fundraising power.


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That’s a lot of wampum!

There are a lot of Never Trumpers out there who have $$$$$$$$$, her gender is also helping assist her in gaining wampum, but she is a more energetic Hillary, not likeable, not honest, quite phony in far to obvious a way. I think she only lasts if Harris tanks big.

Money flows to these leftist from a number very wealthy idiots who somehow feel the promised raises in taxes won’t apply to them.

Good luck with that. She speaks with forked tongue.

    4fun in reply to oldgoat36. | July 8, 2019 at 9:20 pm

    Money flows to these leftist from a number very wealthy idiots who somehow feel the promised raises in taxes won’t apply to them.
    More like they push for the taxes that don’t have an effect on their trust funds or other income stream. Making sure the taxes fall on the middle class where they feel it belongs.

I will stick with my original prediction: Harris will be anointed the Democrat nominee by Democrat insiders as Biden and the rest of the white makes get pushed aside. In the world of toxic identity politics Democrats wallow in, Harris would get to check off more boxes (black female) than Warren (female fake Indian).

    Harris big problem – the East Coast dems hate her almost as much as we do. They see her as an upstart trying to muscle her way into their game. If she starts to look viable, they are all gonna unite on taking her down, at any cost.

    I have seen the perfect video portrayal of the 2020 Democrat contest:

It’s either Fauxcahontas or Krazy Kamala.

Perhaps that racist pig michelle obama might get involved, but she just buried herself:

Michelle Obama said attending Trump’s inauguration as one of few people of color was ‘a lot emotionally’:


365/4 = 91.25

$19,000,000/91.25 = $208,319

Massive? Seriously, KK…

“President Donald Trump raked in nearly $25 million in campaign contributions for his re-election effort in less than 24 hours, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee said Wednesday.”

Colonel Travis | July 8, 2019 at 11:11 pm

The Warren campaign appears built to last. After hiring more than 300 staffers….

300 paid staff at this point? That seems insane to me. There are a billion (D) candidates, why do you need to waste money on 300 freaking staff people in July 2019?

Oh that’s right – she’s a leftist and likes to vacuum up everyone else’s You Didn’t Build That money and flush it down the toilet.

I wonder how much of that is a few LARGE donors.

She’s long been connected to dubious things in the financial world, so no big surprise there.

But seriously, does she really stand a chance? She’s already fatally damaged goods. If her numbers continue to rise I’m predicting Kamala and Booker will then Biden her for fraudulently abusing the affirmative action system over the backs of real racial minorities. She’s such a rich target. Or Trump might mock her again before they get the chance. Either way, she has no path.

Fantastic! Just keep on piling up that dirty money onto the Democratic Party funeral pyre. That pile should be a lot bigger. Someone is holding out. Pay up fools!

harleycowboy | July 9, 2019 at 12:37 pm

Please continue to squander your money on a losing horse.