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July 2019

Democrats can't stand Mitch McConnell. As Senate Majority Leader, he has been far too effective confirming judges and supporting other aspects of Trump's agenda for the left's liking. To the left and media's delight, retired Marine pilot Amy McGrath announced her candidacy to unseat McConnell in 2020. Yes, the same woman who ran unsuccessfully for the 6th Congressional district in 2018.

United Kingdom Ambassador to the United States Kim Darroch resigned on Monday after a war of words with President Donald Trump over remarks in leaked cables. These cables showed Darroch describing Trump's administration as "diplomatically clumsy and inept" while he believed it would not become "substantially more normal." Trump returned fire by saying his administration "will no longer deal" with the ambassador.

This has been an exciting year for Legal Insurrection. In March, we launched the Legal Insurrection Foundation and we haven't slowed down since. In the few months since creating LIF, we have been busy putting together a team to research, investigate and expose anti-capitalist, anti-American, and anti-Zionist activists, groups, and movements, with a focus on the ‘intersectional’ left and red-green alliance.

I've written many times about "The Flight 93 Election," the September 5, 2016, article in the Claremont Review of Books, by Michael Anton, writing at the time under the pseudonym Publius Decius Mus. The thrust of the concept of the Flight 93 Election was that whatever Trump's faults, the alternative was definitively and certainly worse:

Ross Perot, a seminal figure in 90s politics passed away at the age of 89 Tuesday after a five-month-long battle with leukemia, according to the Associated Press.

NBC News released a hit piece on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) on Monday about slave owners in his family history since he stands against reparations. This is not journalism. This is not reporting. NBC News can legitimize (sort of) if the network investigates every senator's family. Something tells me the reporters will not take that action because they will find information about President Barack Obama and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

France is slowly moving forward with its plans to restore the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral, which was devastated in a fire that collapsed the roof this past April.
Nearly three months after a fire devastated Paris’s famed Notre Dame Cathedral, France’s National Assembly moved closer to enacting legislation to approve the restoration process and timeline for one of the world’s most beloved landmarks.

Legal Insurrection previously exclusively reported on plans by several anti-Israel groups to disrupt the annual summit of Christians United For Israel (CUFI) held in Washington, D.C. The main organizing group was Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA), assisted by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights. The groups called the collective protest "Counter CUFI."