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July 2019

In response to the news that there were going to be ICE raids and deportations of illegal aliens who have already been issued deportation orders, leftists in Colorado chose a uniquely infuriating way to protest the move. They illegally entered federal property, took down the American flag, defaced it, raised it (upside down), and raised a Mexican flag at the same height as the defaced, union-down American flag.  They also raised some sort of anti-police/Blue Lives Matter flag in place of the Colorado state flag.

If it's a day ending in "y," you can rest assured that perpetually outraged feminists are going to find something "offensive" in order to rally their troops. This week has been no exception. The latest outrage du jour comes from news reports out of Mississippi where a Republican gubernatorial candidate is facing backlash after telling a female journalist that she could only interview him in his truck as he made campaign stops if another man was present.

Andrew Gillum has decided to transfer donations for his new voter registration project to the nonprofit Forward Florida Action instead of his political committee, which has come under fire from federal investigators. Placing donations into the nonprofit means the public will no longer know for sure how those spend the money since the organization "does not have to disclose its spending."

Serious concerns over German Chancellor Angela Merkel's health have grown after she was seen shaking uncontrollably in public for the third time in the last few weeks. Chancellor Merkel, whose term ends in 2021, downplayed the trembling episodes claiming she was doing "very well" and "no one should be worried." The first bout of trembling occurred on June 18 when she stood alongside Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during the playing of the national anthems. Days later she was seen shaking during a public appearance with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta told reporters, with President Donald Trump by his side, that he will resign from his post effective in one week. Acosta has come under fire recently over the way he handled the sex trafficking case against Jeffrey Epstein in 2008 as US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida.