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June 2019

Closing arguments in Gibson Bros. v. Oberlin College are scheduled for this Wednesday, then the jury gets the case. It's possible we will have a verdict this week. The events giving rise to the lawsuit have been said to represent “the worst of identity politics.”  You can read about some of the background on this case here.

One of the final lines in 2016's Godzilla: Resurgence is a quiet and somber reflection that Godzilla is "something we'll have to learn to live with." In the final images of the film, we see the figure of Godzilla standing above the Tokyo skyline, a stone creature having been defeated but now made immobile via the coagulants floating in his bloodstream having shut down his nuclear core.

The last time we visited Los Angeles in our posts, a local TV investigative team reported that the city wastes tens of millions of dollars per year in clean-up efforts because LA’s homeless encampments quickly repopulate once cleaning ends. The rat population has exploded as a result of garbage accumulation, and a Los Angeles police officer has now shown symptoms of the flea-borne disease typhus spread by rats.

There was much celebration on the left when a recent poll suggested that 40% of Americans support "some form of socialism." Ultimately, though, socialism itself is not becoming more popular with Americans.  It turns out that few know what it is—some think of it as "equality," others as free everything, others as capitalism lite, still others as ending poverty (!?), and so on.

Days ahead of his first official state visit to the United Kingdom, President Donald Trump has spoken in favor of the pro-Brexit contender Boris Johnson as possible successor to Prime Minister Theresa May. The former British Foreign Secretary, Johnson, is an "excellent" choice to succeed May who is set to set down on June 7.