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Our Dishonest Media Week at Legal Insurrection

Our Dishonest Media Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Not only did the media lie about the Covington students…

They also pushed a complete lie about Nathan Phillips.

Ironically, Joy Behar said something truthful about this.

The media also holds this woman up as some sort of hero.

This is true.

Warren wants all the money.

SNL making fun of her is a bad sign for her prospects.

Democrats will one day regret this.


World news.

Branco cartoon!


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I don’t see that kid being a worthless drum beater when he is old.

Bitterlyclinging | January 27, 2019 at 11:27 am

Just caught a glimpse of Whoopie again in the movie “Ghost”.
Her anti psychotics are taking their toll on her appearance.
The only other possibility is anti rejection drugs.