Kentucky Student Speaks Out: ‘I Will Not Stand for This Mob-Like Character Assassination of my Family’s Name’
“I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation.”

Remember that viral video of a kid supposedly taunting a Native American Vietnam vet? Yeah, it didn’t take long for people to realize there was more to the story.
Well, since the media and everyone else went on a rampage against him, the student identified himself as Nick Sandmann, a junior from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky. He attended the March for Life rally with other students.
Sandmann explained his side of the story as those in Hollywood and the media quietly delete their nasty and hateful tweets aimed at the high school kid.
Just in: Statement of Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic High School junior, about the event at the Lincoln Memorial:
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 20, 2019
From AP:
Videos posted of the confrontation drew wide criticism on social media. “I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name,” wrote Sandmann, who added that he and his parents have received death threats since video of Friday’s confrontation emerged.
Sandmann explained that the Black Hebrew Israelite movement started to shout slurs like “homophobe” and “incest kids” at the students, which led to the Covington Catholic High School kids to respond with their school chants.
When Nathan Phillips and Matcus Frejo heard the chants, they chose to confront the kids:
It was a haka — a war dance of New Zealand’s indigenous Maori culture, made famous by the country’s national rugby team. Frejo, who is also known as Chief Quese Imc, told the AP in a phone interview that he felt the students were mocking the dance.
Phillips, an activist described by the Indian Country Today website as an Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran, said in an interview with The Associated Press that he was trying to keep peace between the high school students and the religious group.
He said he heard people chanting “Build that wall” or yelling, “Go back to the reservation.” At one point, he said, he sought to ascend to the Lincoln statue and “pray for our country.” Some students backed off, but one student wouldn’t let him move, he added.
However, Sandmann said he never heard anything like that coming from his fellow students and didn’t even know Phillips’s group was around:
“The protester everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I did not see anyone try to block his path,” Sandmann wrote. “He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.”
Sandmann said one of the Native American protesters yelled at them that they “stole our land” and they should “go back to Europe,” but that he never spoke to or interacted with Phillips. “To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me.”
He wrote that he “believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping defuse the situation.”
“I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand,” he wrote. He said the incident ended when the buses arrived and his teacher told him it was time to leave.
Though many commenting on the internet were taken back by Sandmann staring at Philipps, the teen said he was “not intentionally making faces at the protestor. I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation.” He said he had never encountered any kind of public protest before.
The Hill has more:
“The protestor everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him,” Sandmann wrote. “I did not see anyone try to block his path. He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.”
“I never interacted with this protester,” he continued. “I did not speak to him. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. We had already been yelled at by another group of protestors.”
This poor kid. The media, celebrities, and others went insane on Twitter after the edited video emerged. Mediaite reported that those people have now gone back to delete those nasty tweets:
New York Times opinion writer Kara Swisher, for instance, deleted one tweet saying she was thinking of “finding every one of these shitty kids and giving them a very large piece of my mind,” and other tweets throwing slurs like “Nazi” and “nationalist.” ABC chief political correspondent Scott Thurman deleted a tweet alleging students in MAGA hats were “mocking” and “taunting” a Native American in front of the Lincoln Memorial in D.C., asking in a new tweet if the new video changed minds about the kids.
Anti-Trump activist Ed Krassenstein deleted a neutral tweet contemplating the intentions of Nick Sandmann, the young MAGA student accused of smirking at a Native American. His brother, Brian Krassenstein, deleted a tweet calling the students “bigoted.” The New Republic‘s Jeet Heer deleted a tweet arguing the MAGA hat-wearing teens were “racist.” CNN’s Bakari Sellers deleted a tweet suggesting the kids should be “punched in the face.”
Hollywood’s Patton Oswalt deleted a tweet linking to another that doxxed the young teens, but left up subsequent retweets maintaining his opinion that they were at fault. CNN’s Ana Navarro deleted a tweet calling out the “Asswipe” parents of the students for teaching them “bigotry” and “racism.” She tweeted an additional post with the full, unedited video of the teens, maintaining her support for Native American vet Nathan Phillips.

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This must be the bloodline Elizabeth Warren got her .024% from.
Could it be that Nick Sandmann is the counterbalance to David Hogg? Will Harvard give Nick a full scholarship? Only time will tell.
Of course not, as I assume you already know.
If somehow an invitation were accidentally issued by harvard, I would hope the young man has the good sense to decline.
White, male, pro-life, Catholic and apparently Trump supporting.
Any two of the first 4 would make one a target of the hate filled left but all 5 and it’s anything goes as we saw on social media. No need to have students read about the Salem witch trials just have them study this incident and the reaction of the left (and many in the never Trump right) wing media and “celebrities” to understand was hysteria looks like in real life.
Thank God for the availability of the full videos or the lives of these young people would be at risk.
I screwed up and down-voted you instead of an up-vote.
Phillips’ story has been morphing as he reads his own press. On NPR he was claiming that he thought the boys were going to attack the four or five black men that were taunting the boys and yelling racial slurs at them, so he was trying to protect the racist black guys. They, of course, were recording the whole encounter hoping to record something that never happened. My question here is why didn’t Phillips talk to the handful of blacks? It would have been a lot easier to tell them to move along than dozens of kids. Not that anybody needed to move along at all. There was no there there until Phillips stepped into the mix and even then there was no there there even then. Then there was the video showing that the Black dudes continued to taunt the kids trying to get them to touch Phillips so they could claim that they attacked him. From what I saw Phillips never spoke to the boys, he only banged his drum in their ears. He went there strictly to provoke no matter what story he makes up for the Liberal media.
The kids were guilty of being white in a public space. Aggravated by being Catholic and apparently pro-life, and to some extent pro-Trump. There were, the the libs eyes, guilty as charged.So glad the truth won out.
The reason the indian didn’t address the four blacks is the same reason that Hollywood and msm will not address islam. They know they would get the siht kicked out of them! They also know that any Christian group is as pacifist as any group on Earth so that is who they go after. Christian baker won’t bake a cake for gays, BFD! muslim kills his sister in an honor killing, move on nothing to see here. This weird looking indian has some issues with the truth. Apparently to indians, as in islam, truth is a tool that can be changed to benefit the liar. This guy lied to almost everyone he spoke to. The really bad part of it all is that the “Professional” journalist fell for every one of them.
One big worry I have is this:
the media is actually making MORE white supremacists with these stunts. They are driving wedges between crazy leftists and normal Americans. And there may come a time when the only way normal Americans will feel that they can defend their way of life, their physical lives, their faith, etc. is to join the crazy white nationalists.
because the white nationalists are the only ones standing up for them.
sorry – hit enter too soon
Yet I notice yahoo news is till carrying on with the white kid attacks Indian crap.
And how was that any of his business? He’s no more Maori than they are. And hakas are now part of Pakeha culture too.
Even the kid took the trouble to acknowledge this and thank him for his service, but is there any evidence for it? I see no reason to take his word for it.
This is too ridiculous for words. He was clearly trying to provoke an incident, not to prevent one. That’s why he had someone filming.
It reminds me of the time John Lewis and Andre Carson walked through the TEA Party movement rally on Capitol Hill, with an aide holding up a phone, recording the whole thing, hoping and expecting to capture someone saying something wrong, or doing something wrong. They had a story already written and ready to release claiming they’d been spat on and called names. But nothing happened. They released the story anyway, but they couldn’t provide film to go with it.
Supposing this had actually happened, the second call would certainly have been offensive and I understand why he’d object to it. But what would have been offensive or anti-Indian about the first one? How would a wall affect his people, who are all on this side of it? Are they trying to cross into Mexico?!
When did you have an epiphany and become reasonable? But welcome anyway.
About 40 years ago.
When have I ever written anything inconsistent with what I just wrote? If you are surprised by this comment then you obviously have not been reading anything I have written, and have just been venting irrational hatred.
It could be he views you as an officious prig that comes across as the self-proclaimed expert on anything and everything, unable to admit you’re wrong even when emphatically, demonstrably wrong.
Or that could just be me projecting.
Anyway, take it for what it’s worth and carry on with the exact same behavior anyway. It was a rare and worthy post.
It’s very easy to be right all the time: don’t post on subjects you don’t know anything about, and even on subjects you do know look up facts before posting. I slip up very rarely, but I did so once recently because I posted something from memory instead of looking it up. When called on it I immediately admitted my error.
Milhouse is not Rags. He’s just a little tone deaf and has a tendency to aim for contrarianism at times.
Part of the narrative is that Phillips is supposedly a Vietnam vet. If he was born in 1955 he would have been 17 in 1972, the year was winding down and small numbers of troops were sent. It’s remotely possible he could have been in Nam, but highly unlikely.
He could be a “Vietnam era” vet if he enlisted before early May ’75.
Whether he actually served in Vietnam can only be determined by looking at his DD-214.
There’s a lot of buzz on Facebook about this guy not being old enough to have been in Nam… Maybe he meant NAMM, that’s in California… 🙂
News reports say he’s 64. 2018-64+18=1972. Assuming he was 18 when he graduated HS, that makes June of 1972 the earliest he could enlist and start boot camp. The last combat troops were withdrawn from Vietnam according to USA Today and other sources 29 MAR 1973. Using his reported age and that simple computation- he is not a Vietnam Vet as in someone whop served in country Vietnam.
I enlisted in SEP 1973. I’m a Vietnam Era Vet by definition. But I’m not a Vietnam Vet and have never claimed that status. Anyone from around that era who enlisted and started active duty on or before 14 AUG 1974 received a National Defense Service Medal and are legally Vietnam Era vets. Not a Vietnam Vet, a Vietnam Era Vet. Veterans know the difference- and hate fakers.
Maybe he’s older than 64. Nathan Phillips, who based on published information is a fake Vietnam Vet, certainly looks older than 64- he looks a helluva lot older than me or my wife. But poor lifestyle choices can age someone beyond their years. Some embellished background on him:
Contemporary Leftism, writ large — brimming with perpetual outrage, vilification of others, and, smug and sanctimonious condemnation; facts, truth, fairness and deleterious consequences to innocent parties be damned.
These idiots are vile and dangerous totalitarians; make no mistake. In true Marxist fashion they are happy to execute dissenters, and, ask questions later.
In my opinion, Mark Steyn’s commentary nails it:
Quote: “What’s disturbing about this fake hate crime is not that the Twitter mob scented blood in its nostrils and went bounding after its prey, but that a big chunk of Conservative Inc piled on, as enthusiastically as the left.”
Covington Diocese as I type this is still apologizing for their students.
What do you expect from an organization that condones and protects child molesters?
Hopefully you realize what you just did. You validated what the left has been pushing to attack the Catholics. Yea, the church has been protecting their own, just like Congress has with their hush money, just like Hollywood, just like every school district in the US has. I think most Catholics including many priest see this as wrong. Such generalization is Red Herring.
Here is the statement in the letter.
Concerning the incident in Washington, D.C., between Covington Catholic students, Elder Nathan Phillips and Black Hebrew Israelites the independent, third-party investigation is planned to begin this week. This is a very serious matter that has already permanently altered the lives of many people. It is important for us to gather the facts that will allow us to determine what corrective actions, if any, are appropriate.
Judge for yourself if they are covering something up?
I see no judgement call in that statement and it appears more like weasel words of an attorney.
Here is the entire One Hour and Forty-Six Minute video that was purposefully edited for dire effect and posted on Facebook then used against the Pro-Life demonstrators to stir this whole thing up. It is cued up at the very beginning of when the poor old victimized and oh-so “threatened” alleged native american made his appearance with his tom-tom and walked right up to the group of kids to get in their faces, and it continues until the Pro-Life demonstrators depart the scene……
What a concept: letting the accused speak in his own defense! This might catch on!
In this day and age … I doubt it …
My first thought, as a 62yo, is that this guy was in no way a Vietnam vet. Next we will learn that he was a seal. My brother is 4 years older than me and I can’t think of anyone from his class who went to Nam at that point. I guess that if you are a drunk who hangs out at the VFW these days that you are automatically a Vietnam era vet who was in country.
Being a Vietnam veteran was a lucrative career choice for professional victims in ’70s & ’80s. All the troops had left Vietnam by mid-1973 except the Marine embassy guards and Nathan Phillips was no spit & polish Marine.
Looks like the authenticity of Phillips’ Vietnam Vet status is at least somewhat in question. Of course, those who would dare to even entertain such a thought are instantly racist…
Since being a Vietnam Vet has become so popular I have removed the Semper Fi decal from my truck to avoid hearing more BS. One joker even told me he was with 2/9 there….. you know Walking Dead. LOL! Everybody likes a good sea story, but the story needs to be a little bit believable.
easy enough to prove, all he has to do is show his DD214, if it is the same as the Air Force from that era it should have 3 blocks on it, Indochina, VietNam, Korea
I’m 64 and the war ended my senior year 1973 Jan .
The presence in Vietnam after 72 was mostly air support .
Yeah I think he is bogus.
I’m 67 and was in Vietnam 1971-2. US Army Depot Da Nang.
“Vietnamization” of the war was well underway and most of us who were in-country were in non-combat roles like mine.
So even if Mr. Phillips had been there, it probably wouldn’t be anything to brag about.
I’m surprised that the article doesn’t refer to the many apology tweets from those who went from judge to jury to executioner in 2 seconds flat.
Oh, that’s right. There aren’t any.
Lots of people apologized… Scott Adams did two periscopes.
hogg is a mere poseur, a pure wannabe–this young man was actually present at the scene
Holding off on this until dan rather weighs in.
Phillips is a coward.
He TARGETED a 15 year old innocent kid in the group of students.
The students were being HARASSED.
I hope that I would be as calm, controlled, and mature as Nick Sandman if ever confronted by the face of absolute hate that Nathan Phillips offered.
Is this peak TDS? It has to be.
Peak TDS? Oh, probably not. I’m certain they can continue going above and beyond where they’ve been.
Had the truth not come out when it did, this kid and his family would had to go into hiding by now. Their lives are definitely still in danger at this point, but glad someone is letting him have a shot at telling his side of things, which are supported by the video evidence.
The Left is still running with the original story, and some Lunatic Lefty out there is listening, contemplating, and even planning to do physical harm to someone.
I just hope this kid is able to sue some media outlets over this and breaks some of their banks
There’s no bottom to that hole. If you think it’s bad now remember… there’s an election coming up. I expect the left to get even more insane.
Social media sure looks very anti-social much of the time.
You won’t see peak TDS until DJT gets to name Ruth Buzzy’s replacement on SCOTUS.
Turn it up to 11? They’re gonna break off the knob.
First of all, my DD214 shows the award of the Armed Services Medal and the Vietnam Medal. I am not sure if I remember the exact names for them, and I am not going to dig it out to find out. Anyway, I find the Phillips character somewhat lacking in the truth department either about Vietnam or Marines service. Just me, tho.
Trash protestors. Trash media. Trash ideology holds them together.
The Kentucky student should not have talked to the press. The press is using his response to drag his name through the mud for another week.
More responsible outlets than CNN are using the response to drag the guy through the mud for the first time. Before he made a response, it looked like the big media was picking on non celebrity kids.
He didn’t need to publicly respond. The full video clears him. The story would have died.
This link furthers my suspicions that this was a planned roll out as opposed to a spontaneous event. Nothing gets that much traction that fast without pre-planning. Now we see the link that spread it is fake and clearly primed for 2020 based on its name. Twitter suspended it but I’m sure it will just be resurrected under a new alias. So awful that they went after children. Glad the children lawyered up.
Thanks Media for helping push those Catholic vote away from the Democrats. It is an all out war against Catholics. Between the attacks on the church for the priest, the SC hearings and now this. Keep it up and they will lose a lot of votes come 2020.
BTW, the exploitation of this event on social media is standard MO for Anonymous. Media is a sucker on it and should be held accountable.
These commie leftists seem to have a state-sponsored license to threaten violence against anyone they want, including children. Does that mean all of those children participating in the LA teacher strike today are fair game? Just sayin’. You really don’t want to go there. Don’t do it. Once it starts….