Bernie Sanders Adds More Staff, Hinting at a 2020 Run

We all know how the DNC screwed over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2016 in favor of failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Now it looks like Sanders may run in 2020 after he added to his staff “the digital alumni who were key to his surprise performance in 2016” along with “the media production company that helped launch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to prominence.”

From Politico:

Means of Production, the filmmaking cooperative that created the viral campaign video that propelled Ocasio-Cortez’s House campaign, is in talks with the Sanders team about a major role in 2020. And two people who powered Sanders’ record-breaking small-dollar fundraising operation in 2016 have agreed to join a subsequent presidential bid if it materializes, according to a Sanders campaign aide: Tim Tagaris and Robin Curran, his digital fundraising director and digital production director in 2016, respectively.The aide said another pair that have helped Sanders build a digital media juggernaut out of his Senate office — media producer Armand Aviram and digital director Georgia Parke — are likely to be part of his 2020 team, too.The behind-the-scenes moves underscore one of Sanders’ key strengths: He is poised to enter the Democratic primary field with a digital operation and social media army that outpaces virtually any other candidate, at least for now. For all the attention on Beto O’Rourke’s online dominance last year, only Sanders would start the campaign on the foundation of a full-fledged, grass-roots presidential campaign.

The recent polls have shown Sanders in second place to former Vice President Joe Biden, which probably bothers the DNC since they like to prop up minorities and women. You know, anyone except for old white men.

So far we have Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, and California Sen. Kamala Harris is expected to announce on Martin Luther King, Jr., Day.

Sanders supporters and alumni formed the group Organizing for Bernie as a way to persuade the senator to tun again and rile up more support. HuffPost reported the group “held over 400 house parties in all 50 states and Puerto Rico on Saturday afternoon calling on Sanders to run for president again in 2020.”

HuffPost wrote:

But Saturday’s show of force, arranged by Organizing for Bernie ― an upstart group founded by Sanders campaign alumni and grassroots activists ― demonstrated one of the senator’s biggest advantages if he decides to return to the ring: a network of supporters already familiar with his message and skilled in do-it-yourself internet organizing.Speaking to the house parties by livestream, Kat Brezler, a Bronx public school teacher and co-founder of the group People for Bernie, called on the participants to use social media to show Sanders the scale of his support with the hashtag RunBernieRun.“We need to convince Bernie Sanders to run. He isn’t in this race yet,” Brezler said.Emphasizing the policy stakes of Sanders’ bid, Brezler added, “We need ‘Medicare for all,’ we need tuition-free college and we need to abolish [Immigration and Customs Enforcement], end mass incarceration, [enact national marijuana] legalization and all of the other reasons why we come to this movement.”

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris