Targeting Conservatives Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.
It is clear that the people behind the biggest social media companies are targeting conservatives to be silenced and even banned.
- YouTube censors our video showing “Palestinian child exploitation for the cameras” (Update)
- YouTube Introduces New Restrictions on Videos Involving Guns
- Facebook Changes Are Starving Conservative Media
Compare and contrast these two stories.
- Armed School Resource Officer Ended Maryland School Shooting
- Parkland Students Arrested for Bringing Weapons on Campus, Deputy Suspended for Sleeping on the Job
Good riddance.
I’m noticing a trend…
- DC lawmaker now sorry he blamed Jews for bad weather
- Women’s March Loses Members Due to Leaders’ Ties to Farrakhan
World news.
- Reuters: Trump to Blame for Canada’s Immigration Problem
- Why is India Financing Palestinian Terrorism?
- Ahed Tamimi and mother take plea deals, to serve 8 months
She’s such a hypocrite.
Excellent question.
Branco cartoons!
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to the full extent allowed by law.
The biggest foe of conservatives:
McConnell And Chao: As Corrupt As The Clintons:
Levin: Mitch McConnell should be removed after ‘shocking’ and ‘disgusting’ corruption allegations:
Destroy the GOPe, and we destroy left.