Identity Politics Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.
An obsession with race, gender and sexual orientation has overtaken higher education in America.
- University Course Examines the ‘Pyramid of White Supremacy’
- Hampshire College Course Explores ‘Appropriate Whiteness in the Age of Trump’
- Duke Forms New Think Tank to Focus on ‘Sexism, Homophobia and Gender Bias’
It trickles down to other areas as well.
- Cornell Student Bullied After Pointing Out Anti-Trump Bias in Academia on FOX News
- Mizzou Dean Claims She Was Fired for Criticizing Diversity Quotas
Antifa is the left’s enforcement division.
- Elon University Prof Allegedly Doxing ‘Far Right Extremists’ for Antifa
- Antifa Group at U. Texas Austin Proposes ‘Law Enforcement Incineration Day’
- UC Berkeley Sued by People Injured During Riot at Milo Yiannopoulos Event
The left constantly flames the fire.
- Rice University Student Paper Attempts Satire by Calling White People Disgusting
- Gender Studies Coordinator’s Checklist Determines Your Level of Support for White Supremacy
They are the authoritarians.
- Harvard Law Profs Claim Trump Exhibits all the Criteria of an Authoritarian
- Yale Psychiatry Prof Has Second Meeting With Dems, Claims She’s Getting Death Threats
Free speech suffers.
- U. Mississippi May Punish Students for Using Microaggressions
- Court Denies College’s Attempt to Dismiss Student’s Free Speech Case
And it could get worse.
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Betsy De Vos: where are you?