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Legal Insurrection’s 10 Most Viewed Posts of 2016

Legal Insurrection’s 10 Most Viewed Posts of 2016

Thanks for reading.

I think this will be a tradition now, at least as long as I can remember to do it.

Last year we posted the 10 most viewed Legal Insurrection posts in 2015, and it was well received. So here we go again.

2016 was a turbulent year, but I’m pleased that year over year, we increased page views by 1 million views versus 2015, to over 16 million views. And 2015 was over 1 million page views over 2014. So things are heading in the right direction.

We didn’t see a huge election year bounce this year, but we also didn’t crash like many “conservative” websites, and our traffic is up post-election.

So without further introduction, here are our 10 most viewed posts, plus an honorable mention.

(click on the title or image to go to the post)

10. Hillary: ‘I Don’t Hold Any Ill Feeling’ Against Benghazi Families Who Misunderstood Me

That statement pretty much summed up why people disliked Hillary so much. She was the victim of Benghazi, don’t you know?

9. Bernie: No, I won’t explain how I’ll pay for everything for everyone

What’s that statement about running out of other people’s money?

8. DHS Whistleblower: I was ordered to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties

What’s with all this scrubbing going on?

7. Analysis: Is it lawful self-defense to “run down” rioters surrounding your vehicle?

This grew out of Prof. Glenn Reynolds’ (Instapundit) tweet about running down rioters. He was right, based on this analysis by Andrew.

6. VIDEO: Seattle University Students Struggle to Explain Male vs. Female

We are so screwed.

5. Freddie Gray: Five of Six Officers Now Suing Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby

Remind me to check up on how these lawsuits are going against America’s Worst Prosecutor.

4. Gun Inequality – Liberals now complaining about “hardcore super owners”

Is that like Super Predators, Hillary?

3. The Internet Responds to New Trump/Pence Logo

Liberals saw a sex act in it. That’s the sort of insanity that allowed Trump to **** liberals in the election.

2. Hillary Clinton’s Vulgarity Makes Trump Look Like Shakespeare!

She’s a poet, and she didn’t even know it.

1. Is Twitter Silencing Conservatives?

Conservatives may be paranoid, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get us.

Honorable Mention

This post just missed the cut, but it’s my personal favorite. Nurse Ratchet, anyone?

Britain’s new Foreign Minister once compared Hillary to “a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital”


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I’m just glad it’s (almost) over…

May we never endure another year like it.

So, I’m curious: Did National Review crash and burn? Coz once they went cuckoo, I quit reading….

I am a little surprised at what’s on the list….

    Ragspierre in reply to CloseTheFed. | December 30, 2016 at 9:16 am

    No, indeed. Despite your closing off your “mind”, NR and The Weekly Standard, etc. are thriving, due to the excellence of their content.

    There are still conservatives in the US.

      “There are still conservatives in the US.”

      And almost every one of them (excepting a few coo coos) voted for President Trump.

      According to both the websites for National Review and the Weekly Standard dropped significantly in ranking throughout 2016. Gateway Pundit and Breitbart are way up.

        Ragspierre in reply to garybritt. | December 30, 2016 at 5:53 pm

        I’m sorry. I made myself unclear.

        I was talking about conservatives. Not T-rump sucking cultists like the Dim Jim Hoft and the hacks at T-rumpbart.

        And, yes, many fine conservatives were forced to follow THEIR consciences and vote for someone they deplore, given the awful choice presented this election cycle. Others felt otherwise. Living according to principles is like that.

          maxmillion in reply to Ragspierre. | December 30, 2016 at 10:54 pm

          LOL!!! Trump is emerging as the most conservative president ever, and you not only totally missed out on it now you are doubling down, indeed tripling down on your ignorance.

          Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | December 31, 2016 at 9:26 am

          LOL, you are too stupid to understand the meaning of “conservative”.

          A full-tilt, tax-and-spend to prosperity New Deal T-rumpulous is NOT conservative. It’s Collectivist. Just as I’ve always said.

          Watch and learn.

          maxmillion in reply to Ragspierre. | December 31, 2016 at 10:16 am

          You’re the one being taken to school, little cowboy.

          Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | December 31, 2016 at 11:11 am

          Stupid PLUS delusional…

          You’re the arch-typical T-rump cultist.

          Thanks for helping with the demonstration!


        William A. Jacobson in reply to garybritt. | January 1, 2017 at 5:48 pm

        Alexa is a questionable measure, though a lot of people use it as a reference point because it’s public. Alexa is a measure of relative ranking, not absolute traffic. So it’s possible that a ranking drops even if actual traffic increases (for example, our traffic is up significantly, but our relative ranking is somewhat lower – though it fluctuates). Also, I question Alexa’s accuracy; we are ranked much, much higher by Quantcast, the measurement service used by advertisers which embeds its code on most websites (including ours) that have CPM ads. The traffic numbers in this post come from Google Analytics, whose code is embedded in the website.

    They are still there, but a bit more schizophrenic.
    The same for

    The real problem for both … it’s really impossible to figure out from reading the articles exactly what they want, except a world without Trump.

    Since we should have known (or learned) from Obama that words alone aren’t the man (“if you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor”), we really don’t know Trump. If you remove what you don’t know about Trump, their writings still don’t give you a clue.

      Ragspierre in reply to Neo. | January 1, 2017 at 9:53 am

      That’s a load of bullshit.

      NR has never been a homogenized chorus of unthinking writers, which has always been one of its prime attractions (if you think).

      Victor Davis Hanson, Andy McCarthy, Jonah Goldberg, Ramesh Ponnuru, Kevin D. Williamson, Charles Cooke, David French…some of the absolute best thinkers and writers on the planet AND some of the most conservative…

      If you can’t read them and learn something, you can’t learn. And conservatives are not all about T-rump. Quite the opposite.

After reading these titles, its pretty obvious why God gave us a sense of humor, but the Bernie “No Idea How to Pay for it all” Sanders has to be my favorite. You know what, in tribute to him, I’ll say that they’re all the absolute best in varying degrees.

Legal Insurrection: To Infinity And Beyond!

Yes, 2016 sucked for many people on many levels. I, for one, will be glad when it’s gone. Thanks for hosting this great blog, Professor, and here’s wishing a Better New Year to you and all all your contributors.

No insult intended toward sadistic British nurses in mental hospitals, of course.

1945 was a hellish year, until V-E and V-J day.

2016 will prove to be one of the greatest years of our lives: it gave us The Donald. We suffered the year, but in one election, we laid waste to the oppression of the democrat party and the GOPe.

November 7 was V-BO day and V-GOPe day combined.

2nd Ammendment Mother | December 30, 2016 at 1:27 pm

I had no idea I had a Super Power until I found out I was a hard core Super Gun Owner….. I asked the 2nd Amendment Hubby for a cape for Christmas, he bought me another gun instead!

Hahaha, the Shaming of the Shrew. Very good.

I’d forgotten that one.