Obama Digs Up, Re-Flogs “Grumpy Cat” Meme

On Friday, President Obama unsheathed his mad internet skills and used them to bat at his Republican counterparts in Congress and on the campaign trail. Comparing GOP politicians to “Grumpy Cat,” he lamented that anyone would dare display skepticism of the direction in which his administration has chosen to steer the country.

From The Hill:

“Overall, we are making enormous progress. And it does make you wonder why is it that Republican politicians are so down on America?” Obama said. “I mean, they are gloomy. They’re like Grumpy Cat.”Trying to connect with a younger generation of voters, Obama mimicked the Internet meme’s sour face, drawing a raucous reaction from the crowd. Obama made the case for his successor to double down on his administration’s efforts to expand access to healthcare, fight for equal pay for women and cut greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.The president assailed Republicans for trying to roll back his healthcare law and Wall Street reform, and for even “thinking about shutting down the government over Planned Parenthood.”


What in the world could Republican politicians possibly have to complain about? Let’s review:

Cluelessness about debt and the economy.

Dirty dealings and cyberespionage.

Complete ignorance of the law.

Democrats’ complete descent into Socialism.

Not good enough? More, then:

This ridiculous fauxtrage.

Official punishments for climate change skepticism.

Literally everything having to do with Planned Parenthood.

This worn-out play of the race card.

Every time Hillary Clinton opens her mouth about Benghazi.

An EPA that destroys the environment.

And finally, This travesty.

In Obama’s America, dissent isn’t patriotic—it’s a joke; and this is how Democrats win the cycle: instead of fighting back with actual policy arguments and explanations, they turn to humor, to the ridiculous, and thus exploit the public’s weakness for pop culture.

Laughing is so much easier than asking a question—and there’s no need for curiosity when your fearless leader is perfectly willing to laugh along with you.

Is it 2017 yet?

Follow Amy on Twitter @ThatAmyMiller

Tags: Culture