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Last night was not as painful as expected. I could not believe the Democrats put Sandra Fluke on in prime time. She was pathetic, a self-absorbed self-pitying self-ish caricature of the entitlement mentality. Liz Warren was not on her game. The MSM is portraying her...

Today would be Milton Friedman’s 100th birthday. I’ve played this video before, but it’s particularly timely in light of the “you didn’t build that” narrative which has become the foundation of the Obama campaign taken from Elizabeth Warren who took it from George Lakoff.

Elizabeth Warren cannot escape the public’s questions about her claims to Native American ancestry. A live chat today demonstrates how deeply the issue has permeated the campaign dialogue. On the local Massachusetts community news website,, Elizabeth Warren participated in a live chat where the site invited readers to...

“To pull a Warren” I think we have us a new — what’s the word — descriptor for falsely claiming minority status. @LegInsurrection Someone tried to pull a Warren in… — blank (@Eri_Barrister) July 10, 2012 Via The Daily Caller: A Democratic congressional candidate...

If you love Daily Kos, Van Jones and Keith Ellison, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren.  If you love public employee unions running the state, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren.  If you loved the Wisconsin Recall, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren. The big union and Hollywood money and progressive media machine...

I told you this morning that Elizabeth Warren’s story about her parents having to elope because her father’s family objected to her mother being Native American did not ring true, as a Google search did not reveal her telling that story before even though she...

That seems to be the attitude of Massachusetts Democrats, as reported by The Boston Herald: Bay State Democrats are standing by their woman, saying they’re confident in embattled Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren — now three weeks into a persistent scandal over her claims of Native...

Today, Megyn Kelly of FOX News interviewed Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes about Elizabeth Warren’s claims to Cherokee heritage. Legal Insurrection has been breaking news on Warren’s false claims, including extensive coverage of the genealogical records. In the interview with Kelly, Barnes says, “there’s nothing to...