Women's March | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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Women’s March Tag

Starting in June, the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), an anti-Israel organization based in Washington, DC, is planning to launch a “three-year plan” to support “municipal-level campaigns across the country” which aim at ending U.S. support for Israel. In rolling out this new plan to advance “exciting work” at the “street-level,” USCPR is hoping to capitalize on the recent success of its member groups in the city of Durham, NC.

Former FBI director James Comey's book reportedly includes unsubstantiated accusations against then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.  He reportedly writes that he was aware of “'unverified' information discovered by the U.S. government in 2016 from a classified source [that] 'would undoubtedly have been used by political opponents to cast serious doubt on the attorney general’s independence in connection with the Clinton investigation'.” Comey's book also reportedly reveals that his firm belief that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 presidential election influenced his decision-making process and that his goal in his October announcement was to help ensure the legitimacy of her presidency.

After anticipating a crowd of 500k, March for Our Lives organizers reported attendance estimated at between 800,000 and 850,000 thousand.  The media gobbled this up and headlines splashed with variations on "Largest crowd EVAH" flooded the internet. The problem?  The real estimate, provided by an independent company, is 200,000, give or take two or three thousand.

Under fire for their close association with raging anti-Semite and Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan, the Women's March is in full on damage control. Tuesday, the group issued a statement, asserting that it opposed antisemitism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and white supremacy.

Opponents of the 2nd Amendment are gearing up to exploit the Parkland School shooting by making it part of the Resistance movement against Trump, the NRA and Republicans. That was obvious from the start, and it's more so now that the March For Our Lives on March 24 picks up celebrity donations and endorsements. Rather than proposing solutions that might actually reduce school gun violence while also respecting the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens protected under the 2nd Amendment, it is turning into the equivalent of the Women's March that greeted Trump's Inauguration. Meanwhile, a week before that, the Women's March organization itself is organizing a national school walkout.

In the annals of unintentional liberal self-parody, there is a special place reserved for a column by Ruth Mayor, "I detest Trump, but a ‘redneck’ fixed my Prius with zip ties." What makes it so classic is that Mayor doesn't intend it as self-parody. She clearly intends it to reflect a liberal's awakening to the goodness in some people she otherwise wouldn't associate with. So it's basically virtue-signaling in the age of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

During the 2017 Women's March on Washington and follow up Women's Strike, anti-Israel activists attempted to hijack the movement. Anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour attempted to steer the movement against Israel, and the Women's Strike was co-organized by and honored convicted supermarket bomber murderer (and immigration fraudster) Rasmea Odeh.

As we bid adieu to another year, I find myself almost giddy with relief that Hillary Clinton is not in the White House.  Love him or hate him, President Trump is vastly superior in every conceivable way to Hillary.  If nothing else, he's made great headway in rolling back the horrific Obama presidency (as illustrated by the ever-brilliant A. F. Branco just this weekend). For once I won't waffle on; instead, let's get to the good stuff.

Linda Sarsour, self-professed women's rights, and anti-Israel activist, is in the midst of yet another scandal. For our extensive coverage on Sarsour, see here. According to an exclusive report in The Daily Caller, Sarsour was allegedly made aware of "groping and unwanted touching" perpetrated by male employees while serving as the executive director of the Arab American Association in 2009. Rather than act, Sarsour allegedly verbally attacked and threatened the victims.

The Washington Free Beacon broke the story revealing the donors of the anti-Trump "resistance." The donation list is revealing on a number of levels.  It shows the extensive, spider-web interconnectivity of a network of leftist radicals and organizations, and it shows how they ensnare major corporations into financially supporting their radical, anti-American aims. The list includes the usual suspects like George Soros and some suspects new to the political activist realm, namely, the NFL players' union who were happy to join Soros in his latest astroturf efforts, manufacturing the appearance of wide-spread anti-Trump "resistance."

At Yom Kippur break-fast Saturday night I discussed the NFL players' "Take a Knee" protest and Trump's tweets. One of the people, who is not anti-Trump, thought it was a mistake for Trump to tweet about it as he did. That it simply made it a bigger deal and probably generated sympathy for the players. I disagreed.