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Wisconsin Tag

As readers know, I've been blogging about the Recall (Robert) Wirch effort for several months, long before the national media paid attention to the fact that there were Democratic State Senators in Wisconsin subject to recall. Here are links to some (but not all) of my...

Tuesday is the last round of recall elections in Wisconsin, in which Democratic Senators James Holperin and Robert Wirch are being challenged. The races are expected to be tight (h/t reader Charles): The Wisconsin recall fight ends Tuesday, and while the state Senate is no longer in...

One of the usual anti-Scott Walker suspects hanging outside the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison didn't like the fact that Ann Althouse was filming the moonbats tooting their horns, so he decided to try to grab the camera from her, grabbed her as well, and...

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker appeared on the Morning Joe show this morning, and was fabulous.  He completely disarmed Mika Brezinski and Joe Scarborough. Walker made the case for the success of what Republicans have done so far, and Wisconsin's improving economic fortunes. Walker also hit on a topic...

They just can't help themselves.  Despte throwing everything the had at it, the Wisconsin Democrat/Union coalition lost the Prosser/Kloppenburg statewide election, and then failed to pick up the three seats needed to take control of the state Senate.  Having lost, Democrats declared victory. Democrats have convinced themselves that...

Never in the field of human conflict have so many been so disappointed so frequenttly in so short a period of time at so high a cost of money with so few lessons learned.     [Yes, I know the title alludes to one speech and the text...

Great reaction to yesterday's Wisconsin recall elections, from blogger Lexington Green at Chicago Boyz (via Instapundit).  Read the whole thing.  Leaves me with that "wish I'd said that" feeling: The people have spoken.  Again. Get used to it. Next: More rollback. Here, there and everywhere. Today Madison, tomorrow DC. Today Wisconsin,...

Yes, you are celebrating.  But the Wisconsin Senate recall elections are not over. Republicans have a chance to deliver a political coup de grâce to the national union and Democratic intimidation tactics next Tuesday when there are two elections seeking to recall Democratic State Senators Robert Wirch...

What a night.  Thanks to all those who stopped by and commented. I thought this tweet perfectly captured the evening: ...

Recall elections are being held today against six Republican State Senators.  I feel like I've covered Wisconsin so much this year, today is somewhat anti-climactic.  But it's not, it is very important. Unions need to win back three seats to take control of the majority in...

Yesterday I reported how the Dean of Widener Law School, Linda Ammons, had sentenced conservative law professor Lawrence Connell to a psychiatric evaluation and "anger management" therapy: Professor Connell will comply with all conditions and recommendations issued by the psychiatrist/psychologist, including, without limitation, appropriate counseling and...

Graeme Zielinski, Communications Director for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, is quite a guy.  He was a focus of a post here last month when he tweeted that people should celebrate the 45th anniversay of Medicare by "punching a Republican."  He then claimed he was just joking. But...

This was what they feared, the day when they would have to convince public sector union members to kick in union dues voluntarily and separate from payroll deduction. While it is too early to say how successfu the unions will be, early signs are that there...

On August 9 the key recall elections against six Republican State Senators will take place. I have not focused enough on this lately, with the all consuming debt ceiling fight taking time.  But Wisconsin is critically important. Before I forget, you can donate to help defend the...

The Dane County Sheriff's Office, which was tasked with investigating allegations that Justice David Prosser put a "chokehold" on Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, has concluded its investigation without a recommendation of prosecution. As reported by JSOnline (via SteveEgg and Charlie Sykes): An investigation into an altercation between...

Unions have collected enough signatures for a statewide referendum on election day 2011 seeking to roll back Ohio's collective bargaining reform bill. As reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer: The fate of Senate Bill 5, Ohio's new collective bargaining law, will be in the hands of Ohio...

In late April I documented how the Democratic Party of Wisconsin was running misleading push-calls to people who had signed petitions to recall Democratic State Senator Robert Wirch.  The WisDems were trying to get people to say that they didn't understand what they were signing or...