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Wisconsin Tag

The story about a Rutgers professor confronting Rep. Paul Ryan at a Washington, D.C., restaurant over the cost of wine ordered by people at Ryan's table rightly has been criticized, including by me. But most of the criticism deals with the professor being a busy-body and...

Other than the possible fisticuffs and chokeholds at the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Wisconsin politics has faded from the national headlines. But Wisconsin isn't over folks.  Democrats challenging Republicans in recall elections are doing better at fundraising, and Nancy Pelosi is headlining a fundraiser as well. One of...

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley has accused Justice David Prosser of using a "chokehold" on her.  The Dane County Sheriff's office is investigating. Remember the term "chokehold" as the investigation as to what really happened progresses and the facts eventually come out. "Chokehold" is a very specific term, and...

The facts are murky so far as to the alleged altercation between Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices David Prosser and Ann Walsh Bradley. Byron York and Ann Althouse have good round-ups of the competing leaks and press releases, and the highly suspicious involvement of Soros-funded "investigative" journalists...

Two protesters in the Madison, Wisconsin Capitol building strapped "U" shaped ultra-secure bicycle locks around her necks and locked themselves to a metal railing.As reported by JSOnline (h/t reader Leonard):Authorities removed two protesters who locked themselves to the railing of the Senate gallery Thursday.The action took place at a...

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has just released a decision (here) overturning Judge Sumi's ruling invalidating the Wisconsin collective bargaining bill.Some key language from the ruling, which overturned Judge Sumi's rulings both procedurally (for interfering in the legislative process) and substantively (there was no violation of...

Republicans in Wisconsin are planning to put the collective bargaining provision into the state's budget legislation, if the Wisconsin does not act soon to revoke Judge Sumi's ill-advised injunction against the law, as reported by JSOnline:The Legislature will put Gov. Scott Walker’s limits on collective...

There were some delays, and last minute uncertainty as to how the Wisconsin GAB would rule on the frivolous claims of petition fraud, but the GAB late today certified that there are enough signatures for recalls against three Democratic State Senators, as reported by WisPolitics...

Despite weeks of her campaign suggesting that "ballot bag security" issues tainted the election, JoAnne Kloppenburg decided not to pursue a court challenge.  As described here many times, the ballot bag security issue never raised any serious concerns about either election fraud or mishandling of ballots. ...

There will be no Battle of the Bulging Ballot Bags.JoAnne Kloppenburg just announced that she will not file a lawsuit challenging the recount which found her losing to David Prosser by 7004 votes.As discussed here previously, Kloppenburg had alleged that there were "anomalies" in the election,...

As of this writing, JoAnne Kloppenburg has not yet announced whether she will file a court challenge to the recently concluded recount, which found her losing (again) by just over 7000 votes.  A court challenge must be filed by Monday Tuesday.As documented here, Team Kloppenburg...

No surprise here.Judge Maryann Sumi has issued a ruling throwing out the Wisconsin collective bargaining law based on an alleged failure to comply with the state Open Meetings Law.  Unlike prior rulings, which were based on a "likelihood of success" standard in connection with emergency...

As explained both here and by the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, the theories of election fraud propagated by the Kloppenburg campaign based on gaps and holes in ballot bags are absurd because the numbers have not changed much from the election night reports (including by the city of...

I previously reported on the Recall Wirch efforts in Wisconsin, directed against Democratic State Senator Robert Wirch.  Among other things, the Wirch campaign hired telemarketers who made misleading "push calls" to people who signed the recall petitions, and also engaged in a smear campaign trying...

The recount is wrapping up in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, the last county to finish the recount.  False hope was created by an AP headline Tuesday stating that Kloppenburg was in the lead based on mid-afternoon vote totals, but that headline was misleading because Waukesha still was counting...

JoAnne Kloppenburg's recount quest has been the glittery coach to which Wisconsin Democrats have hitched their hopes and dreams, after the devastating loss to David Prosser.As we have documented here over the past several weeks, the recount has shown little change from the election night and...