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William Jacobson Speech Tag

On Monday, October 31, 2022, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral argument in cases challenging racial preferences in university admissions at Harvard and UNC. Typically referred to as "Affirmative Action," the universities argue that they must take race into account in making admissions decisions in order to achieve the racially "diverse" student body they say advances their educational missions.

My speech at the ALEC annual conference: “we are at an inflection point right now to move from publicity, to move from alerting people, who mostly are now aware of the problem, to actually addressing the infrastructure which supports” the racialization of education....

This morning at 10:40 a.m. through Noon I'll be participating in a panel discussion at The Federalist Society conference on whether the American Bar Association should be stripped of its monopoly power on accrediting law schools in light of mandates recently passed requiring, among other things, race-focused study for law students, and a pending proposal for "equity" focused education initiatives for students and faculty.

My presentation at the Parents Unite conference: "Framing the narrative, I think at this stage, is really counter-framing the narrative, because we are up against an extremely organized and well-funded movement to push euphemistically called 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,' and race-based teaching throughout education."...

I'm really not thrilled with the Featured Image. I look McSmirky. But it's the only close up of me at the podium I have from my lecture last night at the invitation of the Sharon (MA) Republican Town Committee.

Monday night, we had the privilege of putting faces to screen names at our first ever Legal Insurrection reader reception. I've said often and firmly believe we have one of the internet's best readerships and having the opportunity to meet our readers in-person confirmed as much.

On July 15, 2019, I spoke at the Department of Justice Summit on Combatting Anti-Semitism, on a panel regarding Anti-Semitism on Campus. My presentation was on "Intersectionality." Attorney General William Barr, in his opening statement to the Summit, specifically noted the importance of intersectional anti-Semitism: