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President Donald Trump went after former Vice President Joe Biden, the front runner in the 2020 Democratic primary, for his role in the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. Biden wrote the bill when he served as a senator from Delaware and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Trump may have a point because the law eventually fell out of favor with people on both sides since "critics said it caused prison populations to swell and resulted in the mass incarceration of African Americans on drug charges." You know what's weird? Publications said the exact same thing about Hillary Clinton in 2016 since President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law.

The long-awaited release of the Mueller report revealed, unequivocally, that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. However, Mueller's decision to lay out the case against Trump with regard to obstruction, and doing so without pursuing indictments against him or anyone else in his circle, has had  predictable results: the left is screaming for Trump's scalp, and the Trump White House and his supporters are declaring vindication.

When I first heard that President Trump is considering releasing illegal aliens into sanctuary cities, I laughed. Out loud.  There may have been giggling, too, as I pondered the implications and read the outraged outraging of the left. My first thought was "perfect! This is Alinsky in action: make them live by their own rules."  My second thought was "this has a touch of Cloward-Piven, too, overwhelm the systems of the sanctuary cities, and voters there may decide they don't like living in a sanctuary city after all."

On Friday night Donald Trump tweeted a really funny satirical video created by Twitter user @CarpeDonktum. The video (see below) used the REM song "Everybody Hurts" mixed with Trump's State of the Union speech audio to mock Democrats and Mitt Romney, with video clips of them in the audience at SOTU. The Trump tweet quickly gained almost 50,000 retweets and over 2,000,000 views.

Elizabeth Warren is not a spontaneous politician. Much like Hillary Clinton, every political move is planned out meticulously. It's why Warren has become notorious for avoiding unplanned encounters with reporters, where she can't control the format. Her preference has been to sit down only with friendly interviewers who will not challenge her in any meaningful way.