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Trump Russia Tag

Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Roger Stone to 40 months in prison, $20,000 fine, and two years of supervised release. A jury convicted him "on seven charges of obstruction, lying to Congress and witness tampering" last year.

General Michael Flynn is now accusing federal prosecutors of acting in “bad faith” during the Russia probe and is moving to withdraw his guilty plea. This is unfolding as he faces a term of six months in prison.

Rachel Maddow gets my nod as the Worst Media Person for 2016-2019. She deserves that title not because she's anti-Trump deranged -- so are most of the hosts and guests on MSNBC and CNN, and large numbers of reporters and opinion-makers at major newspapers. And Maddow's not the worst at MSNBC -- Lawrence O'Donnell is hate-filled and angry, but no one takes his intellect seriously. Maddow, by contrast, managed to defraud her own viewers with pungent conspiracy fear-mongering that has led them down a dark dead-ended alleyway, while maintaining the patina of intellectualism.

Here at LI, we have covered extensively President Trump's former campaign chair Paul Manafort.  Manafort, who is serving time in federal prison after being indicted by Robert Mueller, was also charged by New York state in an apparent effort to block a possible Trump pardon. The effort has, so far, failed as a NY judge has tossed out the case, citing double jeopardy.

The report of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz on the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign was as expected. As with his prior report on FBI Director James Comey's leaking of information, Horowitz provided a headline version allowing Comey and others to declare exoneration because no criminal referral, while the details were devastating.

U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the Russia-Trump collusion probe, disagreed with a few aspects of Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report released today. “Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened,” said Durham.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his report on the origins of the Russia investigation, which is likely to please both sides of the political spectrum. The IG found justification to investigate the Russia investigation and did not find any "intentional misconduct or political bias." However, the investigators discovered many "significant" errors concerning the FISA warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will release his report next month on the ways the FBI received warrants using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) on Carter Page [featured image], who served as an aide for then-candidate Donald Trump. The report will include information about an FBI lawyer under criminal investigation for allegedly changing a document related to the documents used to obtain the warrant.