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Trump Climate Policy Tag

It appears that the Trump Administration may be doling out even more policy goodness this Christmas season. A few short weeks ago it was being reported that the 2,400-page National Defense Authorization Act that Congress sent to President Trump contained language that contradicted his views on what constituted a national security threat.
...Changing climate is a “direct threat” to U.S. national security, endangering 128 military bases with sea rise and global destabilization that could fuel terror groups, according to the NDAA, which is a bipartisan compromise struck by the House and Senate.

Perhaps no agency has been so public about its #Resistance to President Donald Trump and his efforts to drain the swamp and reduce regulations than the Environmental Protection Agency. Perhaps, then, it is fitting that as we approach the 1-year anniversary of the Trump inauguration, the agency's headquarters appears to be the epicenter of a draining swamp.

This year, the American press has suppressed news related to the near assassination of the Republican congressional baseball team by a Bernie Sanders supporter and the apparently brutal beating of Senator Rand Paul by a neighbor whose Facebook pages are filled with anti-Trump messages. In this environment, it is no wonder that Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, who has rolled back many toxic climate change regulations, feels the need to direct his agency's dollars to his own security.

Shortly after Donald Trump was elected President, I noted that California Governor Jerry Brown essentially designated himself as President of the Left Coast. So it is with some amusement that I noted the headline in Politico discussing Brown's European "Climate Change" tour: Jerry Brown, President of the Independent Republic of California.
...In the raw balance of power between a governor and a president, Brown has almost no standing abroad. What he does have is a platform, and a proposition: Crusading across Europe in his Fitbit and his dark, boxy suit, Brown advances California and its policies almost as an alternative to the United States—and his waning governorship, after a lifetime in politics, as a quixotic rejection of the provincial limits of the American governor. In the growing chasm between Trump’s Washington and California—principally on climate change, but also taxes, health care, gun control and immigration—Brown is functioning as the head of something closer to a country than a state.

Last night, my inbox was filled with how the latest "National Climate Assessment" released by the administration counters what President Donald Trump and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt have said about the questionable assertions about man-made climate change and the policies that are derived from the ludicrous theories. The following muck from The Washington Post is a great example of the elite media spinning a narrative that is demonstrably false in scientific terms but that fits their politically-motivated agenda:

It is difficult to keep track of all the #WINNING that I enjoyed this past week, between the implosion of RussiaGate and the IRS apology to Tea Party groups. Personally, I am savoring President Trump's efforts to reverse course on Obama's toxic domestic and foreign policies. Trump's regulatory rollbacks, as well as his nixing of the Paris Climate Accord and EPA head Scott Pruitt's ending the "Clean Power Plan", has already helped fuel the American economic engine.

Legal Insurrection readers will recall President Donald Trump's address earlier this summer, in which he outlined all the reasons he was withdrawing the United States from the international climate agreement his predecessor signed in Paris. The U.S. Department of State has now officially filed notice to begin the formal process of withdrawal from the Paris accord.
Today, the United States submitted a communication to the United Nations, in its capacity as depositary for the Paris Agreement, regarding the U.S. intent to withdraw from the Paris Agreement as soon as it is eligible to do so, consistent with the terms of the Agreement. As the President indicated in his June 1 announcement and subsequently, he is open to re-engaging in the Paris Agreement if the United States can identify terms that are more favorable to it, its businesses, its workers, its people, and its taxpayers.

In June, as President Trump spoke about withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, he indicated that he would be open to renegotiating the deal for terms more favorable to this country. Initially, it appeared that the other signatories of the international agreement would not agree to new negotiations. However, Trump's remarks in France on the heels of the G20 economic summit indicates the political climate may have changed.

Many eco-activists have mocked statements that President Donald Trump, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt, and many others have made in the efforts to fight climate alarmist policies. As I noted in a previous post, President Donald Trump understands enough about climate science to be highly skeptical of diverting millions of American dollars into the global bureaucracy. In fact, I asserted that he comprehended more real science that the climate change proponents. Proof that I am correct (again) comes in the form of a paper in Nature Geoscience: Causes of differences in model and satellite tropospheric warming rates. Since this is a weighty article, I will cut to the chase and hit the highlights.

Because of my Legal Insurrection coverage of climate change, in the wake of the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, I was asked directly: Exactly how much climate science does President Trump understand. Like any true science, climatology is filled with highly technical terms, professional jargon, complex mathematics, and a myriad of other aspects that are challenging to understand and master. For example, a talk by Dr. William Happer, the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics at Princeton University, shows the discussion included the variability of carbon dioxide levels through history and flaws in the computer models used related to lack of cloud cover influence on temperature.

On today's Meet the Press, John Kerry compared President Trump's explanation of pulling out of the Paris climate accord to O.J. Simpson wanting to find the 'real killer' of Nicole Simpson Brown:

"When Donald Trump says to the world, well, we're going to negotiate a better [climate] deal. I mean, you know, he's going to go out and find a better deal? That's like -- I mean that's like O.J. Simpson saying he's going to go out and find the real killer. Everybody knows he's not going doing to do that because he doesn't believe in it. Because if he did believe in it, you wouldn't pull out of Paris."

On Thursday, President Trump announced the great news that he is withdrawing the U. S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, and the response across the internet was predictable.  On Friday, dozens of states and cities announced that they had established a "United States Climate Alliance" to meet the U. S.'s commitment without Washington. Thus far, the California-led effort seems focused on lowering carbon emissions and not on the government's financial commitments. The Los Angeles Times reports:
President Trump may be quitting the Paris accord on climate change — but forcing the rest of the nation to go along with him is proving more of a challenge. Led by California, dozens of states and cities across the country responded Friday to Trump’s attack on the worldwide agreement by vowing to fulfill the U.S. commitment without Washington — a goal that is not out of reach.

I have been involved in the fight against climate alarmists and their economy crushing policies since 2009 when I reported on the flaws in the climate models during an informative lecture given in San Diego. Eight years later, I nervously awaited the announcement on the Paris Climate Accord, as I wasn't certain that President Donald Trump would follow through on his promise to withdraw because of the intense pressure he was under. But withdraw he did, with a historic address that should be on list of best presidential speeches in American history.

The battle between global elitism and nationalism was on display on today's Morning Joe. The panelists exposed their own elitism while Joe Scarborough declared that—at least within the Trump administration—nationalism, in the person of Steve Bannon, is winning. Scarborough reported that his sources tell him that Bannon has been leaking about Jared Kushner's Russia contacts in an effort to "sideline" Kushner and preserve his own place within the administration. A bit later, Joe proclaimed Bannon "President of the United States," given his influence over the actual president.

Thursday afternoon, the White House formally announced the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement orchestrated by President Obama. Climate alarmists internet-wide defaulted to doomsday predictions and declared America "lost". I can't help but chuckle when reading the micro freakouts. My favorite parts are the sincere beliefs that 1) people control the weather and 2) a treaty will stop global climates from climating.

President Donald Trump has announced from the Rose Garden that America will withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump talked about withdrawing from the agreement. However, the U.S. did not officially join the agreement as The Washington Post points out:
What he should say is that the United States never properly joined the accord: It is a treaty that requires the advice and consent of the Senate. Instead, President Barack Obama choose to “adopt” it with an executive order last September.
Politico has reported that Trump's administration has already sent word out to officials that America "will pull out of the Paris climate agreement."