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Tea Party Tag

The State of Ithaca, NY, has been the subject of multiple posts here, reflecting on what it is like living in "10 Square Miles Surrounded By Reality."One question I frequently hear is, "Is there a Tea Party in Ithaca?"The answer is, yes there is, and thanks...

Think Progress is a frequent focus here because it is one of the best/worst (depending on your perspective) manipulator of news in the interest of the Obama administration and Democrats.  Think Progress famously was caught creating a misleading anti-Tea Party video.In my experience, Think Progress...

In response to a " a dear friend who runs a large charitable foundation" and who branded the tea party movement "a group of racists, xenophobes and bigots," Rabbi Shmuley writes in The Jerusalem Post, Why the Tea Party resonates with human dignity:Lost in the debate...

Look, no one recognizes the need to keep spirits high as much as I do.  But at least keep it real, or if not real, at least of this world, or if not of this world, at least of this universe.The award for turning catastrophic...

What is it with my law school classmates?First it was Eliott Spitzer.Now it's Congressman John Adler.  No, not in that way.Adler, a Democrat from southern New Jersey, is a freshman congressman, swept into office on Obama's coattails in a conservative district.  Adler came out early against...

Ben Jealous, President of the NAACP, has launched a high-profile media and web campaign to demand that people in the Tea Party movement renounce racist "elements" in the movement.  As I have posted before, Mr. Jealous took islolated, and in some cases planted, signs at...

Not just any photos.Photos of communist and socialist participants.But not just any photos of communists and socialist participants, because that would be too easy.No, the photos I want are of communists and socialist participants which appear in the mainstream media.I want examples of the mainstream...

Kirsten Powers, almost alone among liberals, has been willing to denounce the sexualized attacks upon Christine O'Donnell, and now she does it again in a column at The Daily Beast titled Tea Party Mocking Needs To Stop:The Washington establishment has its nose out of joint...

From The Boston Herald, John Kerry bitter as Tea Party gains steam:U.S. Sen. John Kerry yesterday mocked Republicans as “Sarah Palin’s party” even as the New Hampshire Senate candidate she backed claimed victory in Tuesday’s primary and a Tea Party favorite emerged as the GOP’s...

I have written many times before about the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization to which I contributed for many years back in the late 1970s and 1980s, when SPLC was fighting Klan groups.In the past two decades, however, after the Klan ceased to be a...

The video of my interview last Wednesday with Glenn Reynolds on InstaVision is available at Instapundit (you will have to register with PJTV to watch it, but it's free).  We covered some of my background in blogging, the Scott Brown race, the Tea Party movement, and...

On August 16 I wrote about how a post at the Coffee Party website, titled "Reversing the Coffee Party's decline," had been removed from the Coffee Party website after I called attention to the post on August 13.The removed post, along with dozens of comments,...

They don't understand what is happening.  Don't tell them:For a year and a half, we've seen rallies and town-hall shouting and attack ads and Fox News special reports. But I still haven't the foggiest idea what these folks actually want, other than to see like-minded...

Bill Sparkman.  Amy Bishop.  The Fort Hood Shooter.  The IRS Plane Crasher.  The Pentagon Shooter.People who had nothing to do with each other in the real world.  In the blogosphere, each of these people was linked by a macabre desire by the left-wing blogosphere to find a crime...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:I will not use that word even to talk about the word.  I will not say the word even in condemning people who call other people the word.  I also will hesitate...

I guess the Coffee Party astroturf didn't achieve its goal.So one of the people who helped build the Center for American Progress, creator of Think Progress, has created a new movement, hitting upon a slogan which really expresses their profound stupidity and childishness, as reported...

Harry Reid's entire campaign is centered around painting Sharron Angle and the Tea Pary movement as extremist. But in the opinion of the American public, the extremist is not the Tea Party movement:The American public has a more positive view of the Tea Party movement...