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The Michael Cohen court drama continues. We previously wrote about a motion for a protective order filed by attorney Peter Gleason seeking a protective order as to records seized from Michael Cohen that pertained to certain accusers against former NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Court Filing: Trump and Michael Cohen were aware of Schneiderman alleged assaults in 2013.

Michael Avenatti has been described by the NY Times at the "ringmaster" in the Michael Cohen circus. The fight going on in the SDNY over Avenatti's request for permission to appear in the case certainly is turning into a circus, with the Judge likely to stop the show early next week. For background on the case and the role Avenatti is playing, see these prior posts:

We reported previously on the court filing by Michael Cohen's attorneys objecting to Michael Avenatti appearing in the case for Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels). Avenatti is required to submit an application for admission pro hac vice, meaning he seeks admission for the purpose of the case since he is not otherwise admitted to the bar of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Such applications usually are routinely granted.

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, is a fixture on CNN and also appears to be weaponized by someone to fight battles against Trump on a broader scale with the Stormy Daniels dispute the excuse, not the reason, Avenatti is involved. Most notably, Avenatti recently published what appear, at least in part, to be bank records relating to Michael Cohen. There were problems, including the misidentification of payments to the wrong Michael Cohens (in addition to the right Michael Cohen).

One of the best parts of the Trump era is watching how internet and Hollywood cultures react when a big megaphone wielding celebrity steps outside of progressive boundaries. Roseanne Barr has always been that person, to a certain extent, the difference is that now, she's outside of the Hollywood mainstream and seems to enjoy needling everyone else who, in her view, has shifted leftward while she's stayed put.

This is the story that wouldn't die. Trump's alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels is back in the headlines thanks to Trump's own attorney, Rudy Giuliani. During a Fox News segment Wednesday night, Giuliani said Trump reimbursed attorney Michael Cohen $130,000 over a period of months. A payment some claim was "hush money." Guiliani revived the allegations in order to dispell any suspicion of campaign finance impropriety.