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Sheldon Whitehouse Tag

Sheldon Whitehouse's war on the Supreme Court just took a particularly insidious turn, but unlike his obsessions with Brett Kavanaugh's "boofing" and "ralphing," Whitehouse's latest obsession is nothing to laugh about. It's part of a rising tide of Democrat rhetoric inciting activists against the conservative...

A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan to respond to Michael Flynn's Emergency Petition for a Mandate ordering the district court to dismiss the prosecution against Flynn as the government wants, and removing Sullivan from the case. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, reacted by singling out and attacking only one of the three judges on the panel, Neomo Rao. Whitehouse tweeted a Politico article about the panel order with this commentary: