Scott Brown | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 6
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Scott Brown Tag

Dave Weigel now blogs at The Washington Post covering "the conservative movement and Republican Party."I'll leave an assessment of Weigel's prior blogging aside for the moment.At least now he knows what it is like to experience Palin Derangement Syndrome first hand (emphasis mine): Last night...

I understand that some people were upset when Scott Brown voted for the $15 billion "jobs" bill in February.Brown's voting for cloture on the $140 billion spending bill earlier this week, although he voted against the bill on the merits, also was worrisome (although Brown...

Just when you thought it was over:With speculation mounting that US Representative William D. Delahunt will not seek reelection, Joseph P. Kennedy III, son of the former congressman and great-grandson of the Kennedy family patriarch, is eyeing a run to succeed him in the 10th...

Not surprisingly, Scott Brown is a target for Think Progress, which regularly distorts what conservatives say as part of the Democrats' strategy to paint all opponents as extremist and crazy. TP ran the following headline yesterday related to the attack by Joe Stack who crashed...

This could turn me into a betting man, via Politico:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

There definitely is an anger in the country over the runaway spending and deficits, and the attempts by Democrats to force a wholesale restructuring of society through health care legislation, cap-and-trade and other policies designed to push government even further into our lives.But that anger...

Nate Silver, January 5, 2010, Wicked Awesome Thoughts on Massachusetts Special Election: Rasmussen is supposed to have a poll out tomorrow (Tuesday) on the Massachusetts Senate Special Election, which will take place on the 19th. There's been some speculation, mostly from Republican blogs but also...

Almost as if on cue, DailyKos, Steve Benen, Andrew Sullivan, Sam Stein and others are pushing hard on the meme that Republicans are "crazy" and Taliban-like in their ways.The "crazy" findings are based on a poll commissioned by DailyKos using the same pollster which found,...

Today is the day to print Sitemeter histories, apparently.So here is mine, with a month of January likely never to be repeated. Unless Scott Brown runs for President, or something. I wish I were a better person, and could blog forward even if no one...

Did you hear, Scott (we now all know who he is, no need for last names anymore) "refuses to rule out" running for President in 2012? And he's just been elected to the Senate, OMG, get headline ready:Brown: 'Humbled' by White House Talk, But Doesn’t...

Paul Krugman is completely clueless.I'm watching him now on Sunday Morning with Barbara Walters. Krugman bemoans the fact that in our democracy, unlike in western Europe, the House cap-and-trade and health care bills already would be law. Krugman blames it all on that messy thing...

I'm actually enjoying reading NY Times columnists these days. The wonders never cease, this time from MoDo: The New One is the shimmering vessel that we are pouring all our hopes and dreams into after the grave disappointment of the Last One, Barack Obama.The only...

From Hotline On-Call (h/t):Aides to Sens. Paul Kirk (D-MA) and Kay Hagan (D-NC) tell Hotline OnCall they will vote for Bernanke's confirmation.There is an elected and qualified successor to Paul Kirk. His name is Scott Brown. Martha Coakley has conceded the race, and there are...

What would one call a political strategy which depended upon portraying the majority of Americans as crazy extremists? The answer is: The current Democratic Party strategy which ignores the meaning of the Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts races, and focuses on smearing opponents as extremists...

My new favorite source of screen shots has outdone itself, with this post and headline The first senator of the reality show era:The text of the Politico post has nothing to do with reality:Brown’s arrival reflects a fundamental change in American politics, the most complete...

Talk about dominance of the Internet.Patrick Ruffini has an article in The Washington Post, which relates how Republicans won the internet in the Scott Brown election.I'm shocked.Putting my shock aside, for the moment, there is something else worth noting.As of noon today, the article...

From Charles Blow [sic] in the NY Times: Welcome to the mob: an angry, wounded electorate, riled by recession, careening across the political spectrum, still craving change, nursing a bloodlust...

The election of Scott Brown to the Senate left for dead the abomination known as the Senate health care bill.But it may not have been enough to get the message through to the Democrats who just seem to be begging to be thrown out of...