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Regressive Left Tag

The United Kingdom’s opposition Labour Party on Thursday suspended former leader Jeremy Corbyn after a damning report on antisemitism during his leadership. Corbyn, who headed the party between 2015 and 2020, was responsible for rampant antisemitism in the party, a report by the country's top human rights watchdog, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), found.

Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling has returned a Kennedy family award following criticism for her alleged 'transphobic' views. The author, who received the 2019 Ripple of Hope award by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights (RFKHR) organisation for her work with a UK children's charity, was attacked by the media and activists for her 'anti-trans' comments where she dared to make a distinction between biological women and transgender.

After allowing weeks of 'anti-racism' protests in line with the U.S. Black Lives Matter movement, German government is considering a ban on traditional carnival festivities. Country's "Health Minister Jens Spahn wants to cancel the carnival season for 2020-21 in light of the coronavirus pandemic," German newspaper Südwest Presse reported Tuesday.

The UK junior Foreign Office Minister has been suspended after a scuffle with a 'climate' protester. The altercation took place when close to forty Greenpeace activists, most of them women, stormed a black-tie dinner in Central London.

Israel has called out the European Union for continuing to finance the boycott movement against the country. The EU funneled millions of euros to organizations and activists running the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign between 2017 and 2018, a detailed report issued by the country's Minister of Strategic Affairs revealed. "Contrary to statements by EU Foreign Minister Federico Mogherini opposing Israel boycotts, [the report] reveals that funds continued to be transferred to organizations which promote boycotts against the State of Israel in 2017-2018," Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs said in its press release Wednesday.

When the left is confronted with the fact—and it is a fact—that their radical anti-God, anti-family SJW agenda is indeed radically out of step with mainstream America, the result is always hilarious.  And a little sad. Case in point, Aretha Franklin was eulogized by Reverend Jasper Williams Jr., and the left melted down because he expressed "old school," "controversial" ideas about family and faith, about the decline of black owners of small businesses and about #BlackLivesMatter.

Perhaps nothing less than losing the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump could have motivated the left to brainstorm ways to tackle their popular vote problem.  The left tends to gravitate to the coasts and until relatively recently have left "flyover" country to the deplorable unwashed masses. Some on the left seem to be, in increasing numbers, coming to the conclusion that they need a Plan B in case their lunge to the progressive left doesn't pan out. To that end, leftists are positing a variety of ways to infiltrate red states and turn them blue.  From moving numerous government offices to flyover country to congregating in and taking over the political and socio-cultural center of major cities in red states, the left seems to be alert to the fact that the massive influx of blue staters to red states can make a difference to the political fortunes of their party and, ultimately, of its agenda.

Just weeks until the September election, Merkel government is threatening "legal measures" against large German companies that fail to implement a 'gender quota' by putting more women on their executive boards. In what could simply be cheap antics to garner votes from women, the Merkel government is waging a war against “male-dominated” corporate boardrooms. Germany's Women's Affairs Minister Katarina Barley has “threatened legal measures if the firms fail to fix the problem within the year,” German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported on Wednesday. The Women's Affairs Minister presented a report on the “Corporate Gender Imbalance” to the Merkel-led cabinet this week. According to the report, large German companies had 27.3 percent of women on their supervisory boards. This still isn't good enough for the Merkel government. The State wants large companies to allocate more than 30 percent of seats on their boards to women.

Germany faces a "growing threat" from left-wing extremism, warns Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of the country’s domestic intelligence agency (BfV). This intelligence assessment comes little more than a week after the leftist protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg turned into -- what some European commentators described as -- an embarrassment for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Around 500 police officers were injured during those protests.

The leftist G20 riots in Hamburg continue even as G20 leaders leave the city.  The violence and destruction have ravaged the city, with one resident saying Hamburg feels like a "war zone." The New York Post reports:
Anti-globalization activists have rioted for a third consecutive night in Hamburg even after Group of 20 leaders had already left the northern Germany city. Police used water cannon trucks again early Sunday against rioters attacking them with iron rods and pavement blocks. They arrested 144 protesters and temporarily detained another 144 persons. More than 200 officers have been injured in the violence since Thursday. The number of injured protesters wasn’t clear.

Riots have erupted in Hamburg in the backdrop of the G20 Summit -- a meeting of world leaders representing the leading economic powers -- that began early today. Around 100,000 left-wing activists and anarchists have reportedly descended on the city to protest the summit. Before the summit could even begin, ninety police officers were injured in the clashes with rioters. A “central part of Hamburg has been transformed into a fortress” reported Germany State-run DW News.