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race card Tag

If Republicans had done this, you would hear screams across the mainstream media and left-wing blogosphere loud enough to wake Larry King. Racial disparity: All active ethics probes focus on black lawmakers:The House ethics committee is currently investigating seven African-American lawmakers — more than 15...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:The Southern Poverty Law Center once served a vital role in shutting down Klan groups and dangerous white supremacist groups. Morris Dees endured death threats and was a heroic...

My home state of Rhode Island is quirky place. We still celebrate Victory Over Japan Day in August, although the name was changed to VJ Day and then to Victory Day, in a nod to political correctness. Now there is a move afoot to change...

The latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:This time, it's the reaction to my post about the two South Carolina Republican county chairs who used a sterotype of Jews being penny pinchers in a misguided and failed attempt...

I'm starting a new theme, the Saturday Night Card Game, to highlight the use of the race card as a political tool. Those on the left, lacking meritorious arguments, increasingly turn to false accusations of racism as a way of ending an argument they are...

You knew this had to happen. A popular left-wing blog, Jack and Jill Politics, has a photo of Rush Limbaugh as Hitler with blood dripping from his mouth, and "KKK" lettering."The Real Face of the RepubliKKKan Party"The genius posting this garbage was the author of...

Ta-Nehisi Coates is not one of the flame throwers on the left. While I don't agree with him on many policy issues, I have found him to be one of the more reasonable left-wing bloggers. But even Coates got caught up in the fabrications spread...

Driving political rivals from office or appointed positions has a long tradition. Indeed, that is what politics is all about.Taking that fight into the private realm, whether someone's private employment or private associations, however, is a tactic we are seeing with increasing frequency from the...

The new topic of the week is the ugly campaign by CNN's Rick Sanchez, the head of the NFL players union, a variety of loony left-wing blogs, Al Sharpton, and the George Soros crowd, to prevent Rush Limbaugh from being part of a group purchasing...

The Obama media team handed out white coats to pro-Obama doctors who attended a pro-Obamacare rally at the White House yesterday. Can you imagine what would have happened if Republicans handed out white coats to anti-Obamacare doctors?The race card addicts would have screamed that they...

How oddly circular and ironic that Jimmy Carter believes that most opponents of Obama's policies are racists. In fact, racism is not Obama's main problem. Jimmy Carter is.In modern politics, the most damaging label a President can receive is to be compared to Jimmy Carter,...

The increasingly hysterical use of the the race card by liberal columnists, bloggers and politicians reflects the last gasps of people who, being unable to win an argument on the merits, seek to end the argument.While the false accusation of racism is not a new...

When I first started this blog just under a year ago, I was ignorant of who was who in the blogosphere. Believe it or not, Memeorandum is not the world.But I did know about Little Green Footballs. I'm not sure why.Over the months, it became...

Oliver Willis compares Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's statement that Pawlenty would consider whether the 10th Amendment allows a state to opt out of a potential federal health care plan with to George Wallace standing in the doorway to bar blacks from the University of Alabama.Here...

I told you this was coming. Two weeks ago I predicted that when Glenn Beck returned from vacation, he would go on the offensive against Van Jones and the others behind the boycott of Beck's Fox News show.This was the only available strategy, since the...

Ed Morrissey at HotAir has the rundown on the faltering boycott of Glenn Beck's Fox News show. As predicted here, the failure of the boycott has numerous benefits.What's more, the people pushing this boycott have stepped in it this time. There is no indication that...