California Gov. Gavin Newsom Apologizes for Calling Gangs …. “Gangs”
Gavin the Clueless strikes again!...
Gavin the Clueless strikes again!...
Gavin the Clueless sputters: "What the hell is going on?"...
"But just imagine the solidarity that universal orphanhood would create. Wouldn’t children, raised in one system, find it easier to collaborate on global problems?"...
"Imagine being an Accountability Training Coordinator for fraternities/sororities for a living whilst believing that you occupy space on the moral high ground."...
"[The Madden video game] further glamorized violence and dehumanized Black athletes, helping to establish plantation cosplay that has grown worse in the era of fantasy football," Dallas College history professor Andrew McGregor wrote....
Leftists won't reproduce AND they help us end abortion. WIN-WIN!...
The bigger issue, it seems to me, is why white people consistently feel the need to pretend to be minorities in order for advancement in their fields....
"Twitter lefties arguing that Judge Schroeder’s ringtone being God Bless the USA proves he's a Trump supporter only shows how far outside normal America they live." They also pounced on Judge's supply chain joke....
Nothing says "America is racist" like people filling the void of actual racism with fake racism....
California's rate is also currently much higher than that of Southern states that did not implement mask and vaccine mandates...
“We’re heading east at about 107 or 108 mph,” the pilot reportedly said. “Clear visibility, mostly clear skies, about 77 degrees. Thanks for coming out, flying Southwest Airlines, welcome home and let’s go Brandon.”...
Glenn Greenwald: "Claiming that there is 'almost 10 dead' from the 1/6 riot is deceitful in the extreme. Four people died on 1/6: all Trump supporters."...
"Oh yea, btw, what were the pronouns of all the Americans you abandoned to the Taliban?"...
Never mind the rampant crime, homelessness, feces- and needle-strewn streets, San Francisco has . . . parklets! ...
What a strange person: "A message to Republicans: Okay, we get it! Covid is the precious & you love it. You love Covid so much you want it to spread...
"I truly believe this country by and large is not a racist country."...
The data suggests that Berenson wasn't spreading "misinformation" and was merely providing context and insight that went against the preferred narrative...
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