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Pennsylvania Tag

Female students on the UPenn swim team are apparently uncomfortable sharing the locker room with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who is still biologically male. Who can blame them? Follow the logic here. If a male who identifies as male exposes himself in a college women's locker room, it's indecent exposure, but if the same biological male identifies as female, it's no big deal?

Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer at Penn, was recently beaten in women's 100 meter race by a transgender swimmer from Yale. Is this the future of women's sports? What happens when more schools have transgender athletes on women's teams? In the case reported below, Thomas, who "transitioned" from male to female lost a race to a swimmer "transitioning" from female to male.

The 2022 midterms are still almost a year away, but there are already some bad signs for Democrats. The state of Nevada seems to be trending red and Florida, which was already trending Republican is just getting redder. It's too early to know if this is part of a larger national trend, but it should still set off alarm bells for Democrats.