Operation Counterweight | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Operation Counterweight Tag

As election day nears, Operation Counterweight continues. Today the spotlight is on the race between incumbent Democrat Mike McIntyre and Republican challenger David Rouzer for North Carolina's 7th Congressional District. McIntyre has been called one of the most vulnerable House Democrats of this election cycle. A...

Darin at Reboot Congress has an interesting video of Richard Mourdock, running for Senate in Indiana against Democrat Joe Donnelly. Mourdock, who defeated Dick Lugar in the primary, is part of Operation Counterweight.  Mourdock still is playing catch up on fundraising, after he spent so much in...

Stuart Rothenberg still sees no Dem wave in sight: Democratic strategists need a dramatic shift in the House playing field if they are going to have any chance of netting the 25 seats they need to regain a majority in the House of Representatives. And that...

I have previously highlighted Richard Mourdock's attempt to close the cash gap with Democrat Joe Donnelly. At one level Mourdock has been successful, outraising Donnelly in the 2d Quarter, but since he started behind by $800k and had to spend money on the primary, he still...

I have mentioned before how Allen West is on the top 10 target list for Democrats this year, Dem SuperPAC targeting “Tea Party 10″. For that reason, among others, West is on the Operation Counterweight list, and we have a separate Focus Page with his website and...

It may seem counter-intuitive, but Upstate New York (the NY flyover country) is a key to holding the House, and will form a core of Operation Counterweight.  In 2010, Republicans picked up several seats upstate; redistricting has caused the loss of one upstate seat (and...

Mia B. Love appeared on MSNBC today, and it was a pretty fair segment. As noted here before, while Jim Matheson is beatable, it's not going to be easy.  Matheson falsely portrays himself as a moderate. That "outside money" rolling in mentioned at the end will not...

It has been too long, far too long. 26 years long. To put it in perspective, the last time Maryland was represented by a Republican in the Senate, Ronald Reagan was still plotting his “tear down this wall” moment, Steve Jobs had just been kicked...

I guess Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson running against Mia Love in the new Utah-04 district is a moderate compared to Nancy Pelosi.  His claim to moderation is that on a small number of key votes he has voted against his party, but not when his vote mattered. Matheson...

In previous posts we have noted that Mia B. Love will receive financial support from various Republican groups in her race against incumbent Democrat Jim Matheson. That led me and many readers to believe that Love is all set for money.  But that is a misunderstanding.  The...

Now that Richard Mourdock has defeated Dick Lugar and is well into his general election campaign against Democrat Joe Donnelly, it is of paramount importance that we keep Mourdock’s campaign for Senate strong. Top-tier Republican figures are aware of this, as evidenced by Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s...

After she handled her fellow Republican candidates at the Utah convention back in April, Mia Love is receiving a substantial boost from her party to aide her attempt to oust Democrat Congressman Jim Matheson in the newly created 4th Congressional District. Many Republicans have been vocal...

You will remember the outrage which swept the airwaves when redistricting by the Republican legislature redistricted Allen West out of existence.  There was a heated dispute whether West was targeted or just the victim of circumstance dictated by law. West ended up switching districts. West discussed it...

Will Elizabeth Warren escape accountability for telling what at best were tall tales and at worst lies about her Cherokee heritage? Will Warren get away with using her mystical heritage strategically to advance her career in a crafty way which provided her with (im)plausible deniability? Will the...

I have not had as much of a chance to focus on the Texas Senate primary as I would have liked.  My inclination was to back Ted Cruz early on, but I just didn't have the time to do the research.  But I have been following...

David Cicilline, the former Mayor of Providence and current Democratic congressman from my home district RI-01, is in deep electoral trouble because he lied about Providence's abysmal finances during the 2010 congressional race.  He has apologized for lying. With Providence on the verge of bankruptcy, Cicilline...