Operation Counterweight | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Operation Counterweight Tag

Operation Counterweight 2012 is over.  I reported the results in an earlier post, here is my assessment. The first thing you need to understand is that by definition we chose difficult races, not easy ones.  The goal was to try to flip Democratic seats or protect...

A new video from the National Republican Congressional Committee. Features two of our Operation Counterweight candidates. ...

With just over a week until Election Day, Operation Counterweight in Upstate New York is approaching the moment of truth. Barring some big development, this likely will be our last update on the critical Upstate New York races. Chris Collins is challenging incumbent Democrat Kathy Hochul...

With two weeks until Election Day, Operation Counterweight in Upstate New York is approaching its home stretch. Below is an update for the 24th District where Ann Marie Buerkle faces a rematch with the Democrat she defeated in 2010, Dan Maffei. Roll Call rates it lean...

With two weeks until Election Day, Operation Counterweight in Upstate New York is approaching its home stretch. Below is an update for the 19th district, where Chris Gibson faces Julian Schreibman. While Gibson is doing well in this Democratic district, Roll Call still rates it a...

The battle between Lee Anderson and John Barrow for the fate of Georgia’s 12th Congressional district is under way and it appears that the race is going to be a tight one. This is on the Operation Counterweight final list. After a protracted primary battle,...

With the world collapsing around us, it's more important than ever that we not forget about holding the House.  Please check out the House races including on the Operation Counterweight final list and consider a donation today. This is the last post in our focus on the Upstate...

Each day this week we will focus on one of the Upstate New York races included in Operation Counterweight.  As mentioned before, Upstate NY is critical to holding the House, as several seats were gained by Republicans in an otherwise blue state in 2010.  There...

Each day this week we will focus on one of the Upstate New York races included in Operation Counterweight.  As mentioned before, Upstate NY is critical to holding the House, as several seats were gained by Republicans in an otherwise blue state in 2010.  There...

Each day this week we will focus on one of the Upstate New York races included in Operation Counterweight.  As mentioned before, Upstate NY is critical to holding the House, as several seats were gained by Republicans in an otherwise blue state in 2010.  There...

Not a great day. Someone I know, an indefatigable blogger, decided to go to bed early. Don't focus on the bad.  Think about the great candidates we have like Mia B. Love, who just rolled out this video: Remember Operation Counterweight. Do I have to come over and slap...

Operation Counterweight, the electoral strategy for the rest of us, is intended to help provide a counterweight to conservatives being sold out in two ways. First, we must elect more conservative Republicans.  Second, we must hold the House majority and take back the Senate by a sufficient majority that...

From a reader: Sorry to bother you, Professor, but I got an e-mail from a Wisconsin Recall Fund (which I don’t remember donating to, but they probably bought my e-mail from a list since I made several donations to Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefish), asking for...

This is an update on the Upstate New York races covered last month as part of Operation Counterweight, and as before was prepared by a Cornell undergraduate student who prefers to remain anonymous. Included at the bottom of each race update are the newest Cook Report...

After you have maxed out, of course, on contributing to the Allen West Congressional Black Caucus Chick-fil-A Fund. Via The Shark Tank, a SuperPAC to which West's opponent's father contributed a large sum of money is running an ad showing West beating up old women and...

After two months of attack ads from Richard Lugar, and Lugar and his supporters slow to help, it's not surprising that Richard Mourdock is just a little bit ahead of Joe Donnelly in the latest Rasmussen Poll (via Power Line): The U.S. Senate race in Indiana...