After two months of attack ads from Richard Lugar, and Lugar and his supporters slow to help, it’s not surprising that Richard Mourdock is just a little bit ahead of Joe Donnelly in the latest Rasmussen Poll (via Power Line):
The U.S. Senate race in Indiana remains a dead heat between Democratic Congressman Joe Donnelly and Tea Party-backed State Treasurer Richard Mourdock.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the Hoosier State finds Mourdock earning 42% of the vote, while Donnelly draws support from 40%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate in the race, but another 15% are still undecided.
The Cook Report lists the race as Lean Republican, and that sounds right.
The Rasmussen poll, as reported by TheIndyChannel, shows that Obama is going to take a beating in Indiana and that Mourdock has a lot of room to grow with Republicans as Lugar’s hard feelings ease:
The poll also showed that Donnelly is winning the support of 85 percent of Hoosiers who identify themselves as Democrats, while Mourdock has only 75 percent of self-identified Republicans.
Democrats said Lugar moderates are rejecting Mourdock’s “no compromise” style.
“It was a Republican, Republican-leading poll, which is reflective of the state,” said Shappell. “And it also shows Richard Mourdock only has support from 75 percent of the Republicans questioned in this poll, which shows that fully 25 percent are rejecting his extreme views.”
But Mourdock cited Lugar’s recent introduction of him at a Senate Republican caucus as evidence he can win those people over.
Mourdock said Lugar could eventually come to the state to campaign with him, though he doesn’t think it’s necessary.
“We’ll just kind of work through that,” Mourdock said. “I don’t know that that will happen. I don’t know that it won’t happen. I will always be proud to be seen with Sen. Lugar, though.”
The same poll showing a tight Senate race showed no contest for president in Indiana.
It showed Mitt Romney with 51 percent of the Hoosier vote and Barack Obama with 35 percent.
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“We’ll just kind of work through that,” Mourdock said. “I don’t know that that will happen. I don’t know that it won’t happen. I will always be proud to be seen with Sen. Lugar, though.”
Class. Especially in the face of the salt-the-ground campaign of Luger.
I hope he wins.
On another note, I’m having a great deal of trouble getting to the site or posting, even with the VPN. It takes several retries to do both, but I’m a persistent li’l cuss. Is anyone else having that problem?
Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. You shouldn’t take your ball and go home if you aren’t chosen. It’s called “maturity”.
Indiana will go red this year. These are the states where Obama is buying ads:
Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
The Republicans will come home. Of course Lugar has many dedicated supporters, however mysterious that seems to us conservatives, you don’t stay in the Senate for four decades without them.
Mourdock is doing exactly the right thing by extending the olive branch. If the idiot-boy Joe Miller had done the same thing in Alaska right after winning the primary, he might be a Senator today.