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Obama Foreign Policy Tag

As mentioned earlier, the Obama administration and media are touting Gaddafi's overthrow as a great foreign policy victory. But Gaddafi's body has hardly gone cold, and Libya already has a strict Islamist government, see all the links at Memeorandum.  Andrew Sullivan also rounds up some of the...

No one could have seen this coming. Via The Telegraph: Diplomatic efforts are under way to revive six-nation talks on the North's nuclear disarmament. South Korea and the United States have held preparatory  discussions with the North since July. But Peter Hughes said senior officials there had told...

Obama gave a good speech at the U.N. last week, I credited him with that. But his Israel policy still encourages Palestinian intransigence, as evidenced by his demands that Israel cease building new housing units in the Jewish neighborhood of Gilo.  Gilo occupies a strategic hilltop...

ABC has an exclusive: video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Some exclusive. In fact, I ran a post on it earlier this month, Let the Libya “unexpected” consequences begin: Such as a “no fly zone” over all of northern Africa, spreading across the globe, because while we broke Muammar Gaddafi’s...

There is one worthwhile clause in an otherwise worthless article at The Atlantic by Steve Clemons, Obama Tells Palestinians to Stay in the Back of the Bus. Clemons lays out the fiction that the Palestinian strategic move to take land without peace is something Gandhi-like: Obama's position on this is dangerous in...

Obama gave a good speech today at the U.N. on the Israel-Palestinian conflict: President Barack Obama told a meeting  of the United Nations General Assembly Wednesday that Mideast peace “will  not come through statements and resolutions” by the world body, arguing against  a proposed resolution calling...

Dan Senor has a great article in The Wall Street Journal about how fundamentally Obama weakened our support of Israel, and Matthew Knee is following up here on the Obama's administration's belated push to shore up support in the Jewish community after the NY-09 Democratic debacle in which...

It's not often I thank Think Progress, but thanks for this video interview of Allen West on the issue of Obama foreign policy in Libya and the Middle East.  Think Progress, with its videographer following West on his trip to Israel, figured they'd get good...

I just listened to Obama's statement on Libya, and while he didn't spike the football, he's pretty proud of himself. And, if as it now appears Qaddafi is gone, and if what replaces him is not even worse, then Obama should be proud of himself.  But...

The breadth and depth of the Obama's administrations screwed up priorities is straggering. It's not bad enough that they are on the wrong side of big government history domestically, we have witnessed a wholesale abdication of power abroad in a myriad of ways. This story at Commentary,...

That's the question I have, because the French obviously have different rules than we do (h/t Israel Matzav): Syrians loyal to President Bashar Assad stormed the US and French embassies in Damascus on Monday. The crowds managed to break into and enter the American compound, but...

Is there any doubt that if Obama could do it on his own, Jerusalem would be divided and Israel forced back to the 1949 armistice borders?  A point I have made before is that the real danger comes in a second term, when he is freed of...

That's right, the Obama administration was deliberately silent and then deliberately accommodating to the Iranian regime during 2009 protests in order to facilitate "negotiations" on the Iranian nuclear program.  What happened to all the protesters arrested?  The Guardian reports: Prison guards in Iran are giving condoms to criminals...

Reader John forwarded me this quote from Caroline Glick written in late May regarding Obama's position on Israel's borders:The question is, why are American Jewish leaders defending Obama?It would seem that there are three possible explanations.The first explanation is fear. Several American Jewish philanthropists have...

I saw this coming from a mile away.  Actually, from two months away.Obama insisted on a U.N. Security Council Resolution authorizing a no-fly zone in Libya.  But the U.S. and NATO attacks on Libya have exceeded the U.N. mandate.  What was hailed as a major...

The United States will be boycotting the "Durban III" conference:The US on Wednesday announced it will not attend the 10-year commemoration of a global UN conference on combating racism because past meetings have included “ugly displays of intolerance and anti-Semitism.”The Obama administration made the announcement...