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NY Times Tag

There is a devastating article at The Jewish Weekly by a former NY Times reporter Ari Goldman, who was on the scene as a primary source reporter for The Times during the Crown Heights riots in New York City in 1991. Al Sharpton sought to take advantage...

Roger Cohen of The NY Times and other journalists were smitten with the Egyptian revolution, and denounced warnings of what lurked below the surface: (February 3, 2011)  Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran 1979, a revolution for...

So much for all the talk of civility. In one of the most deranged columns yet (and that's saying a lot for NY Times columnists), Joe Nocera unleashed an unhinged attack on the Tea Party movement, calling Tea Partiers terrorists, jihadists and suicide bombers: You know what they say:...

I saw this interview of Rick Perry yesterday afternoon, and I was impressed.  I'm not willing to commit yet, because the field is not complete and I don't know enough about him, but I'm intrigued by Rick Perry.  (Thanks for all your prior comments, give...

In the aftermath of the Palin email media frenzy debacle, various media outlets who were publicly humiliated are spinning the crowdsourcing as a new investigative reporting technique.The analysis of Sarah Palin's emails over the past few days may end up teaching us more about the...

Back in November, Sarah Palin delivered a sharp criticism of Fed monetary policy, as reported by The Wall Street Journal:Sarah Palin, delving into a major policy issue a week after the mid-term elections, took aim Monday at the Federal Reserve and called on Fed chairman...

Thank you, New York Times, for putting up your paywall.  Although there are ways around it, as my readers have suggested, I'm actually glad you made it more difficult to access your content.So much of my material over the past two and one-half years came...

For almost the entire two and one-half years I've been blogging I've had to put up with Paul Krugman accusing Republicans, conservatives and Tea Party supporters of inciting violence through heated rhetoric over policy differences, particularly Obamacare.I've even started a tag for Paul Krugman, which prior...

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has posted on his website an Op-Ed The NY Times declined to run. (h/t JSOnline):"In nearly every state across America, Governors are facing major budget deficits. Many, Democrat and Republican alike, are cutting state aid to schools and other local governments...

I have highlighted the romanticized view of uprisings in the Middle East taken by NY Times reporters and pundits, projecting Western liberal values onto what in many cases were fundamentalist and virulently anti-Semitic Islamists:NY Times Whitewashes Return of Anti-Semitic Egyptian Cleric Who's Afraid Of The...

From some of the reports, one would think Wisconsin farmers had turned out en masse with their tractors to side with public sector employee unions against Gov. Scott Walker and the Republicans who control the legislature.The New York Times reported that "Farmers descended on the Capitol...

There is a sentence no one seems to pay attention to in an opinion piece masquerading as reporting  in The NY Times on how Beck and Fox News -- supposedly -- will be parting ways at the end of the year.The rest of the "story" has heartened the left-blogosphere...

The Board of Editors of The New York Times is demanding significant cut backs in public sector union contracts, but refuses to recognize the cause of the problem, which is the entire structure of public employee unions:At a time when public school students are being...

The New York Times had an article today about David Koch, focused on the opening of a cancer center in Boston donated by Koch, but also touching on the Think Progress and left-wing smear campaign against Koch.Koch made an interesting comment regarding the "prank" call in which...

In what will come as a shock to no one who lives in reality, the revolutions throughout the Middle East, while sparked in many instances by people who share western-style democratic values, are turning Islamist, and the Obama administration is dithering and accepting the outcome as a...

Frank Rich, one of the worst flame throwers at The NY Times (which is saying a lot) and a frequent subject of posts here, is leaving The Times to join New York Magazine:Frank Rich is joining New York Magazine, beginning in June. Rich will be...

Paul Krugman (emphasis mine):I don’t watch cable news, or actually any kind of TV news. But I gather that there’s a virtual blackout on the huge demonstrations in Wisconsin, except on Fox, which portrays them as thuggish and violent.What that makes me think of is...

To its credit, The New York Times ran the video produced by the Wisconsin Republican Party of signs carried by union protesters against the Governor of Wisconsin (featured in my post here), under the headline Republicans Accuse Liberals of Hateful Rhetoric in Wisconsin:The Republican Party of Wisconsin has...