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New Zealand government introduced legislation on Friday aimed at further tightening the country's gun laws. The bill, tabled by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, will create a nationwide gun registry and criminalize certain firearm modifications, local newspapers report. If passed into law, it will require gun owners to register their weapons every five years.

Among New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's leading political enemies is the National Rifle Association. Long before the Parkland Shooting and the national movement to pressure companies to sever ties to the NRA, the NRA was battling Cuomo's absurd gun control legislation, the so-called SAFE Act. That legislation had to be partially rewritten because, among other things, it would have exposed police to criminal liability and effectively banned most pistols because of the limitation of magazines to 7 bullets.

The NRA has been under assault from liberal politicians and political groups for decades. But those attacks have intensified after the Parkland school shooting. Student David Hogg, backed by powerful groups like Media Matters, launched a campaign to pressure companies to sever membership discount programs with the NRA. That campaign was largely successful, but it did not stop there.

President Trump gave a great speech at the NRA on Friday, and given the venue, his speech was primarily focused on our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  Some of what he had to say, however, has ruffled some feathers in the UK and France. The speech is very campaign-esque and as such is fun to watch.  He covers everything from jobs, North Korea, Kanye, and Mueller to the focus of his speech: gun rights in America.

In the next few weeks, retired Lt. Colonel Oliver North will take over as president of the National Rifle Association. Lt. Colonel North is currently an NRA board member, served on Reagan's National Security Council, and is an all-around badass.

Despite the knowledge that a growing number of Americans deem the media untrustworthy and consider much of what is reported as #FakeNews, the leftist and mainstream media just can't seem to help themselves. They are whipping themselves into a frenzy over an NRA flier and further exploiting the Parkland shooting in their attempt to create a sense of what they feverishly—and falsely—claim is the NRA's hypocrisy.