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North Korea Tag

It was a busy day in New York concerning North Korea. We learned that China's central bank told banks to stop working with North Korea. President Donald Trump met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to discuss the North Korean nuclear crisis. Trump also announced new sanctions against North Korea. From The Hill:
Speaking at the United Nations before a working lunch with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, two key allies in the region, Trump said the order would significantly expand the U.S.’s ability to crack down on individuals and companies that do business with North Korea. The president said he had empowered the Treasury Department to “target any individual or entity that conducts trade in goods, services or technology” with North Korea.

South Korea's government reported that North Korea fired another missile over Japan from Sunan, which is located just north of Pyongyang, at 6:30AM local time. From CNN:
The missile flew about 3,700 kilometers (2,300 miles) and reached an altitude of 770 kilometers (480) miles. It landed in the Pacific Ocean, South Korea said.

US United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley told the Security Council that North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un "is begging for war" after the latest nuclear test in the hermit kingdom. "Despite our efforts, the North Korea nuclear program is more advanced and more dangerous than ever," she explained. "War is never something the United States wants. We don't want it now. But our country's patience is not unlimited."

North Korea has successfully tested a nuke and may have triggered an earthquake.  World leaders are reacting this morning. Fox News reports:

North Korea said on Sunday it detonated a hydrogen bomb, possibly triggering an artificial earthquake and prompting immediate condemnation from its neighbors -- despite the rogue regime calling the test a "perfect success."

The Pentagon has confirmed that North Korea fired a missile over Japan early Tuesday morning local time. From ABC News:
"We assess North Korea conducted a missile launch within the last 90 minutes," Col. Rob Manning, director of press operations at the Department of Defense, said Monday evening in a statement. "We can confirm that the missile launch by North Korea flew over Japan. We are in the process of assessing this launch.

After backing down from its recent threats against Guam, North Korea has just launched its way back into the news cycle.  Initial reports indicated that one or more of the tests failed; however, a revised report from our military indicates that none of the tests failed.

North Korea fired three short-range missiles on Saturday -- all successful -- despite earlier reports suggesting failure, according to the U.S. military.

Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the projectiles fired from the North's eastern coast flew about 155 miles. It said South Korea and U.S. militaries were analyzing the launch and didn't immediately provide more details.

Last month, we reported that a territorial dispute along the China-India border is threatening to turn into a military conflict. Now, while the world's attention is focused on North Korea, India has increased its alert level amid increased tension with China.
India's military has increased operational readiness along the eastern Indian border with China, sources said, as neither side shows any sign of backing off from a face-off in a remote Himalayan region near their disputed frontier.

U.S. President Donald Trump has rejected German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s advice on how to handle the North Korean crisis. "Let her speak for Germany," Trump told reporters yesterday referring to the statement made by Merkel earlier in the day. "She's a very good friend of mine," Trump said. "Maybe she's referring to Germany, she's certainly not referring to the United States." Merkel had criticised Trump’s recent statements aimed at North Korean regime, saying, "I consider a verbal escalation to be the wrong response." “Trump reacts to Merkel rebuke with a clear message," reported the leading German daily Die Welt.  The country's state-run broadcaster Deutsche Welle came to Merkel's defense, complaining, peace-loving German Chancellor "advocate[s] an international diplomatic response" and "Trump ignores Merkel's pleas against violence."

Today, I got a call from a client wanting to update their Business Contingency Plan to address fallout from a nuclear attack. This is not entirely surprising, given the escalation of North Korea's threats against Guam and the United States. The Millennials have long enjoyed a "peace dividend", courtesy of President Ronald Reagan's peace-through-strength policies, that have now been entirely spent. Perhaps realizing this, internet searches on surviving a nuclear attack have exploded in the last 48 hours.

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis has released his own statement regarding the growing tensions between America and North Korea. Yesterday, President Donald Trump warned the Communist regime that it will face "the fire and fury the world has never seen" if officials do not stop threatening America. North Korea responded with a threat to attack Guam, which houses an American army base. Mattis echoed this sentiment, stating that North Korea's actions will ultimately lead to its end.