Kim Jong Un Blinks: Holding Off on Plan to Strike Guam
U.S. military maintaining state of readiness.

The world can breathe easier for now. According to new reports, Kim Jong Un has decided to watch the United States for a while before attacking the innocent people of Guam.
Reuters has the story:
North Korea leader holds off on Guam plan, will watch U.S. bit longer: KCNA
North Korea’s leader received a report from his army on its plans to fire missiles toward Guam and said he will watch the actions of the United States for a while longer before making a decision, the North’s official news agency said on Tuesday.
North Korea said last week it was finalizing plans to launch four missiles into the waters near the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, and its army would report the strike plan to leader Kim Jong Un and wait for his order.
Kim, who inspected the command of the North’s army on Monday, examined the plan for a long time and discussed it with army officers, the official KCNA said in a report.
“He said that if the Yankees persist in their extremely dangerous reckless actions on the Korean peninsula and in its vicinity, testing the self-restraint of the DPRK, the latter will make an important decision as it already declared,” the report said.
The DPRK stands for North Korea’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
As Professor Jacobson says Kim Jong Un blinked first:
Looks like Kim blinked first: North Korea's Kim Jong Un says will watch U.S. bit longer before acting: KCNA
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) August 14, 2017
Meanwhile, the people of Guam are trying to carry on with their lives. FOX News reported:
At the same time, American military leaders are prepared for the worst. CBS News reports:
“Ready to fight”: The U.S. forces facing down North Korea
As North Korea’s Kim Jong Un continues his relentless quest for a nuclear weapon capable of reaching the United States, military officials in U.S. Pacific Command work daily to project force in the region and deter the young dictator. The threat his regime poses to the United States and its treaty ally, South Korea, grows more credible with each missile launch.
North Korea successfully launched two intercontinental ballistic missiles this summer. They each flew more than a thousand miles into space before landing in waters near Japan. Experts say either one could have hit the United States had it been launched on a flatter trajectory — the most recent, potentially reaching as far as Chicago…
If Kim Jong Un’s regime ever launched an attack on the United States or one of its allies in the region, Kunsan Air Base in South Korea — a short 200 miles from the border — would become one of the most strategically important installations in the conflict. Airmen who serve with the 8th Fighter Wing — known as “The Wolfpack” — train for their three-prong mission to defend the base, accept follow-on forces and take the fight north.
“During wartime operations, we transition to an airbase defense posture, which includes patrols on and off the base,” said Senior Airman Brent Pico, who serves with the 8th Security Forces Squadron. These security forces, made up of about 300 airmen, train daily to prepare for scenarios in which an enemy might try to gain control of the base. Stopping such an advance to keep the base secure is critical, because Kunsan would become a staging area for U.S. forces and partners and allies with a stake in the fight against North Korea.
Featured image via YouTube.

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This is indeed good news . .
But in other news, no early release for the Star Wars movie . . .
“Trump’s irresponsible saber-rattling is going to start WWIII!!!11ELEVEN!!!”
Turns out, not so much…
I wonder if Movado will use that photo of Kim in an ad.
According to new reports, Kim Jong Un has decided to watch the United States for a while before attacking the innocent people of Guam.
MSM: “See, this proves Kim is the sane one, and Trump is insane. Impeach Trump now!”
the MSM are a lilylivererd chickenshit traitorous and treacherous arm of the DNC!
Caption for picture above, “I can see the U.S. from my porch!”
So far, my prediction is proving correct. Let’s hope it lasts…
Trump – 1, Kim – 0
Trump – 99
Resist media – 0
the most recent, potentially reaching as far as Chicago…
Utter BS. Lil’ Kim has no such hardware. The only way the Norks could get a bomb to Chicago would be to mail it. And the North Korean economy couldn’t afford the postage.
The only US territory he can (probably) reach is Guam, and there would be no point whatever in doing so, since a hit there would have no effect on US abilities to hit back. He’s counting on something much bigger than N. Korea to keep the US in check, and it looks like he didn’t get it.
All of which is very obvious. People sure do get excited about nothing much.
Kim did not blink, Xi did.
NK can not continue to exist without the active support of China and, to a far, far lesser degree today, Russia. NK is essentially a Chinese stalking horse. Kim was encouraged to test the resolve of the current US President, so as to minimize the risk to China. However, the President is not as dumb as he looks. The new Section 301 trade infringement investigation against China, launched on Monday, is aimed at letting the Chinese know exactly who will pay for the actions of NK. It is interesting that within hours of this announcement, Kim announces that he will rethink threats to attack Guam, or any other US territory or the territory of a US ally.
NYT headline, “Trump Wins War of Words. Kim Backs Down”!
NOT! After four days of decrying the “Bellicose” threats against NK, one would think that some praise might be in order for the man that did it. But one would be wrong. The msm will NEVER give Trump any credit for anything except bad results.
Forget looking for ANY praise from ANY democrat media outlet.
Don’t fall into that trap.
Do ISIS periodicals ever praise their enemies for victories?
We’re just shy of the shooting war. But war, it is.
Good grief the Phat Phuck keeps on getting Phatter and Phatter. 😀 😀
In case any of you all want to know how this bullshite is gonna end, go back in your Netflix subscription and look up the movie “The Interview.” 🙂 🙂 🙂
North Korea does not have the hardware or the economic might it would need to take on the U.S., and Kim knows that. He only has a few marginal rockets and a few clumsy nukes. What he does have is a hostage, the city of Seoul. Seoul is within easy reach of his artillery, and he could destroy much of the city before anything could be done to stop him. He might even be able to get one of his clumsy nukes into Seoul before anyone could stop him.
Kim’s other leverage is the possibility that China would get involved if he successfully picked a fight with the U.S. Even though we know he is a ruthless dictator with WMDs, we can’t act unless China gives the OK, or at least agrees to stay out.
Actually, Kim has no desire to be anything other than what he is, the tin-pot dictator of a backwater country that nobody wants. To do that, he does whatever the Chinese government tells him to do.
As to holding Seoul hostage, that does not give him very much leverage. An attack on any other country, including RSK, would lose him his only protection, China. China can not go to war with the US. It would mean total economic disaster for that country. So, without assured Chinese backup, Kim is not going to do anything that might upset hia own small apple cart.
So, do we have a fallout map on the aftereffects of:
A) A tit-for-tat nuclear response if Little Kim manages to get a nuke out of the country and blown up somewhere we don’t like, and in return we put a megaton of reprisal on his rocket factory.
B) A “Paste them into radioactive glass” attack which is the most likely response if he tries to invade/bombard South Korea with nuclear attacks as prep.
I suspect Japan is in the radiation plume.
So, why would the US have to resort to a nuclear reprisal? We have more than sufficient conventional arms, and the delivery capability, to take out, not only every weapon and weapon installation in the country, but every city, town and hamlet. Perhaps a single nuke could be delivered to Pyongyang, but even that is unlikely.
As for attempting to invade or RSK, once the DPRK’s heavy weapons installations are eliminated, RPK forces are perfectly capable of occupying NK territory. Allowing RPK forces to do this would eliminate using US forces, which could forestall any Chinese intervention.