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Ahead of next month's summit between President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the White House has waived key sanctions linked to the Russian-German Nordstream 2 gas pipeline. "The Biden administration has decided against sanctioning the company in charge of building the pipeline," CNN reported.

U.S. President Donald Trump has angered many German politicians and media commentators with his decision to withdraw nearly 12,000 troops from Germany. Defense Secretary Mark Esper laid out the plan on Wednesday.

Under the proposed pull-out, close to 6,400 troops will return to the U.S. and another 5,400 redeployed within Europe. 

Almost a week after the United Kingdom left the European Union, French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday unveiled a pan-European nuclear doctrine as part of country's new military strategy. "The vital interests of France now have a European dimension," he declared during the graduation ceremony at the French War College, l'Ecole de Guerre. Following Brexit, France is now the only nuclear power within the EU.