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Mitt Romney Tag

Mitt Romney's campaign has been moving negative on Newt for well over a week with a strategy to portray Newt as crazy, but since Romney's debate debacle Saturday night and more polling showing Newt with a crushing lead almost everywhere, the Romney campaign now is...

Mitt Romney has to attack Newt tonight at the debate.  If he doesn't, and rests on television interviews and what his surrogates have done the past few days, Romney will be Tim Pawlenty, who was not willing to confront Romney on "Obamneycare" in person. If I were Newt,...

Via The Fix, two prominent Iowa supporters of Newt Gingrich held a phone conference late this afternoon with the press in which they pushed back against the attacks on Newt: Iowa supporter of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich assailed Mitt Romney’s negative attacks, even as the...

ABC is hosting a debate Saturday night.  I'll be live here. Should be fun.  Let's see if Romney has the guts to confront Newt face to face with all the "crazy" talk being spread about Newt by Romney's campaign, surrogates and supporters, and if he can...

The attacks on Newt Gingrich from the Romney campaign and it supporters in the Beltway political and media echelons have become quite personal. The fervor reminds me not so much of a heated argument on the merits, but of a child custody proceeding in which Romney seeks...

Romney is losing it.  His coordinated assault on Newt does not make the case for Romney. And it's embarrassing.  Romney brought out former Congressman and former Senator Jim Talent to bash Newt's leadership as Speaker. Talent forgets that the internet has a long memory, and that...

After a firestorm of controversy, Obama is cancelling his Hawaii vacation. Association does not equal causation.  But what the hey, that's what campaign managers are for: Update: A reader says that the tweet simply is repeating the original headline of the linked post at The Hill...

I'm really looking forward to the Fox News Iowa Debate on December 15 in Sioux City. Really looking forward to it, because Romney has to go after Newt big time.  He can't leave it to Ron Paul or Michele Bachmann.  It's Tim Pawlenty time if he...

Someone got the message that the current "hide and don't seek me" strategy was not working. Now when Romney goes on Glenn Beck like Newt just did, then I'll really be impressed.  But until then, this will have to do: But I'm curious about the timing. ...

I've posted about "unknown unknowns" before, as it is a structure I use in class to discuss how to build a case.  At a press conference about Iraq Donald Rumsfeld famously said: “[T]here are known knowns; there are things we know we know.  We also know there...

LI reader and blogger Jeff Dobbs has a post up about Romney's media strategy, which can be termed "hide and hope they don't seek me" (that's my term).  Jeff compares it to Obama's strategy in 2008 of carefully controlling his exposure to the media. The strategy...

What did I tell you just this morning.  Mitt Romney needs to take on Newt face-to-face, mano a mano, to demonstrate that Mitt is not Tim Pawlenty, someone who can dish it out through surrogates or in television interviews, but not in person. This is a sign...

From NRO to The Washington Examiner to the Romneyquest WaPo blogger, Newt's record is being picked over and criticized by Romney supporters as not sufficiently or consistently conservative. I'll save you the trouble of reading the critiques, as they can be summarized in one sentence the...

Tim Pawlenty was the candidate who was going to be the not-Romney candidate conservatives could rally around. A successful relatively conservative Governor of a blue state, someone who had managed well, had campaign organization, and could bridge the gap between the Tea Party and establishment wings...

Mitt Romney had a disastrous interview with Bret Baier the other night, compounded by Romney complaining about the interview to Baier (video via Right Scoop h/t HotAir): As bad as the original interview was, Romney's reaction simply confirms the perception that Romney will have trouble in...

Mitt Romney appeared last night for an interview with Brett Baier (video below).  Too bad Brett didn't ask Romney why Romney refused to appear before the full panel on Center Seat, like the other candidates have done. My biggest reaction is that it's bizarre that Romney refuses to admit he...