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Mitt Romney Tag

More Romney campaign theater of the absurd. The Romney campaign must know that Newt is surging in South Carolina: "There are some increasing signs -- though all of it anecdotal for now -- that Newt Gingrich is gaining some momentum three days before the South Carolina primary. First...

Andrew Kaczynski of BuzzFeed has located John McCain's 200-page opposition reasearch book on Mitt Romney.  It's embedded below. I turned to the section on Bain, and at page 136 found this sentence: Romney Served As CEO Of Bain Capital Through August 2001, Even Though He No Longer...

I saw this coming from a mile away. Mitt Romney's original position that he would not release his income tax returns, a position he held to for several weeks, now is slipping. At the debate last night Romney gave a convoluted answer that he "probably" would release...

It's been widely reported that Mitt Romney handed a woman some cash to help her out as he worked a rope line in South Carolina. video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player I'm all in favor of helping people in need, but when a politician does it publicly during...

Ann Coulter already told us that Tea Partiers opposed to Mitt Romney were just a bunch of "birthers" (emphasis mine): Pemmaraju pressed Coulter on Romney’s conservatism, adding that the Tea Party has resisted him strongly, an indication he may not be as conservative as she thinks. Coulter...

This ad actually is going to run on television in South Carolina, although in a small buy on a single station. It will be viewed by far more on the internet. I think this will help Romney. The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire...

So suggests Randall Hoven: I can't say he's wrong.  I can say that it will be a disaster for our general election chances if the primaries are over so soon, before the bubble of Romney's electability is fully probed in the conservative media. Andy McCarthy joins a growing chorus...

Via The Hill: Restore Our Future, an outside group backing Mitt Romney, is taking its first shot at Rick Santorum. The group is running ads in South Carolina and Florida criticizing Santorum for supporting earmarks, part of multi-million dollar ad buys running in the states. Fair? In...

From The NY Times: While his campaign advisers generally agree that Mr. Romney must explain his work at Bain, they are wary of engaging in an exhaustive public examination of the nearly 100 deals he was involved in, anxious that it could bog him down in...

This was read by Rush Limbaugh on air today. Romney likens work at Bain Capital to Obama’s auto industry bailout: “In the general election I’ll be pointing out that the president took the reins at General Motors and Chrysler – closed factories, closed dealerships laid off thousands...

Mitt Romney made a statement yesterday about "firing" people who provide him with services which has been taken out of context.  He was talking about health insurance companies, and made the point that he likes to be able to make choices. I was aware that Rick...

We don't know all of the details of how Bain conducted its business under Mitt Romney, but we do know that in at least several instances the conduct was to squeeze out cash while leaving behind a failed company.  In many other instances Bain helped...

As you know, I knew this day would come.  The only question was whether it would be early enough in the primaries to make a difference, too late in the primaries, or in the general election. But the day surely was to come when Mitt Romney's years at...